Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller
Hi all, i bought the MDSMC right when i bought the prop demo board and i was looking at using it for the prop it looks like it would be great on the prop demo board, i tried to use it on my bs2 and it just got hot and didnt work (did i break it? it didnt smell shorted out). so how can i make it work on the prop, i only know how to blink LED's so far and well im learning but slowly, i REALLY dont want $24 (more like $30 with shipping) to go to waste, so are there any objects in the OBEX that work for this? will it even work with the prop? (MDSMC link to make things faster http://www.parallax.com/Store/Accessories/MotorServos/tabid/163/CategoryID/57/List/0/SortField/0/Level/a/ProductID/491/Default.aspx )
Check your wiring, re-check it, then check it again.
If you stuffed it, Uncle Ken will FedEx another to you right away.
Post Edit -- That PDF is chock full of bold, red text. Junk like, "Warning", "Important Note" and the like which, apparently, they take seriously. Curious.
I've attached a shell program (which has code that could form an object) that should get you going -- once you're comfortable connecting the motor controller to the Propeller.
You did everything right and nothing wrong. Got it.
Post Edit -- I'm bad and you're good. That's why it got hot and "doesn't work." Why should it be any different with a "Prop"?