Prop Basic
I was wondering if the powers that be could make a forum section for Prop Basic? I have introduced it to 10 colleagues at work and they will begin on Monday to study and understand it. The Feedback i have received from them so far is that it is hard to find relevant Prop Basic material in the Prop forum.
I want the same thing.A PropBasic forum.
I too have introduced PropBasic to some of my colleagues at work,But having to needle through one or to threads for info and feed back is killing the concept.Not to mention the incomplete docs.
Not to go against the Parallax grain, But I would be willing to pay for some advanced PropBasic software and documentation. I know that My performance is a lot better after a stake dinner verses a cold Bologna sandwich. We all need to eat and we all have bills.I think this would help to "setfocus" on the project with the creators.Not to say they haven't done and excellent job on the project so far.
I realize the effort thats been but into this project and the grueling hours to develop it. "This might be just a southern thing" I see the trend in Europe is Free .Free,Free
I think with some more docs on PropBasic and some more user input to use PropBasic, We'll get our wish!!!