Heads up display
Hi all I'm in need of some help I am trying to develop a heads up display
but I have no idea where to start any and all input is welcome
but I have no idea where to start any and all input is welcome
Find a very bright display with high contrast ... bright blue characters. Make it display characters that you can read in a mirror. Then mount it on your dashboard. You will see the display "projected" on your windshield.
and have the propeller and some hardware to send the data to a projector a mini one I have
and then control what ever I have for example have a robot wired with sensors and send the data to my pc
The basics of a HUD are simple. 1.) You have an image source. 2.) You have optics to change the focal point to make the image appear near or at infinity and 3.) You have a combiner - the piece of glass that you use to "combine" the outside world with your data.
My company, VirtualHUD, in one example, developed one that elimated #2 and #3 by projecting the image onto the back side of a spinning propeller, which is already focused near infinity. (Technicallly, the propeller IS the combiner.)
We also have done several "classic" style HUDs, like military fighter units. (Oh yeah, and they're all powered by Propeller chips!!!)
BTW, if this is for a flight simulator, you don't need to spend a lot of money... you can simply use a nice LCD or better yet an OLED display and reflect it off of a piece of acrylic. It won't have the infinite focus, but in a sim you don't really need it.
Post Edit -- Fine, have it your way; I'm easy. Strike that "zero discussion" remark and place "practically no discussion".
These statements seem to conflict! :-)
for example take the data from a compass sensor and send it too a hud dial on screen
i'm still looking for any information how to do this mainly something compact
Here's a picture of it projecting onto a fan (simulating the prop). :-) The fan is actually too small (compared to a real propeller) to display the full image, but you get the idea with it.
So... a small LCD VGA monitor reflecting off a piece of acrylic sounds like it would work for you, doesn't it? You can easily drive the LCD with the a Prop.
can a mini projector on acrylic can that work too?
I've seen you can get those projectors for not too much $$$.
If the focusing could be done right, I'd think that would be the best solution for a car...
The other problem with the current crop of projectors is that they project using an LED as a light source. The issue with that is that they always project every pixel, even the black ones. So, just like a LCD screen, you'll see every pixel, whether it is lit or not (even the black ones are backlit.)
The best solution is to use an OLED display to reflect off the glass. An OLED doesn't activate the black elements, so they do not reflect... thereby giving you only the elements of the screen you need.
Another options, although much more expensive, is a laser scanning based projector. That's what we use in our systems, but it requires a lot more tuning than a simple projector or OLED display.
As for the graphics part, you can take any of the samples that use the Graphics.spin library or it's modifcations (like Rayman's LCD driver) to generate graphics quite easily. One perfect example of a game for a HUD is the BattleZone clone game which uses vector graphics.
Ok, that might be a problem...
OLED sounds good...
Wish I could make it to the expo
It uses a standard video input.