Could the .NET Micro Framework run on the prop?

This may have been asked before - but I couldn't find it...
The .NET framework lets Visual Studio programmers write code for 32 bit micros. There is an introduction here
The minimum typical configuration is 64kB RAM and 256kB flash.
Some tech specs and examples of other processors is here
(click here). While the Prop doesn't have those resources internally, some designs such as Ramblade or C3 might be able to load uSD->big external ram, and execute from there.
Btw I have no intention of tackling this challenge! Just throwing it out there for comment. There are certainly lots of VS programmers out there.
And... lets leave the usual Microsoft jokes aside thanks (unless geniunely original and/or witty)
The .NET framework lets Visual Studio programmers write code for 32 bit micros. There is an introduction here
The minimum typical configuration is 64kB RAM and 256kB flash.
Some tech specs and examples of other processors is here
(click here). While the Prop doesn't have those resources internally, some designs such as Ramblade or C3 might be able to load uSD->big external ram, and execute from there.
Btw I have no intention of tackling this challenge! Just throwing it out there for comment. There are certainly lots of VS programmers out there.
And... lets leave the usual Microsoft jokes aside thanks (unless geniunely original and/or witty)
Tubular: With such requirements... we are out ouf (fast) luck. LMM is needed over an already slow VM... two tiers, I see it slow but maybe doable in a RAMBlade or similar. Is nit the jvm enough ? ;-)
Jazzed is just about to provide the Prop with 32MB external RAM and pins too spare so it's not so crazy.
The run time might eat many COGs or be done in LMM (How slow do we want it?).
I'm still not clear on the endless debates about Microsofts patents on .Net technology or licensing issues. Which makes makes me inclined to give all such things a wide berth.
I have a hard enough time trying to understand why the world needs Java let alone a remake of it.
Still this is Prop land where impossible things get done every day.
.Net on the prop... How slow you want it today ? hahaha
I only think of java as cross-platform... and it is not so good at it (with graphical environments).
C is available everywhere
As such it solves a non-technical problem that is not very interesting. In an open source world it is pretty much redundant.
The cross platform idea never did work out as far as I can tell. Especially now that Google's Android is using it's own idea of Java libraries.
The problem is usually with the existence and size of the common libraries.
I love the enthusiasm on the video
These are definitely 'propellerhead' people.
I'm not sure how it would port to the propeller. The website is a bit short on detail, so I tried downloading the program, and got an error "Microsoft .net framework can only be installed on computers with Visual Studio 2008-2010..."
Clearly my .net 2008 version isn't quite good enough.
I wonder if we can find out more details. What exactly does a "Hello World" compile to?
As an aside, I always pronounced C# as 'C hash'. # is hash, right? Ha, I ran that past my wife, who is a music teacher. She says that # is sharp, to quote "I tell my students, if they call it a hash, they fail!" Of course it is C sharp, what else would it be?
I could go down the Java2+ path which could provide the foundation for developing a CIL virtual machine. I originally planned to do that, but without any interest from the user community it is an inappropriate use of my time. There are some professors interested in what I've done with Java but that's it.
Having 32MB+ of SDRAM for Propeller programs is far more interesting to me.
I was able to get it to install. I have the .Net framework 3.5 and 4.0 on the machine (I also run VS 2008 on my PC as well).
From the documentation:
The architecture is based on time-slicing, which is probably to be expected. It could probably fit, and you could have cogs dedicated to being "virtual peripherals." It is interpreting MSIL bytecode [Edit:] ...well, not exactly. It looks like as part of the compilation process the bytecode is passed through optimization which produces bytecode understood by the .NET MF.
Sounds like an interesting project.
32MB+ of SDRAM does sound great
There was a C# code parser project ( written by Robin Debreuil a while back ago. If I remember correctly, his original intent was to use information gleamed from this project to help port C# onto microcontrollers.
(ie you would have to develop and test, in a subset case, which would limit the broad usefulness.)
Maybe a 'command line' version could have some use, and there are other areas that could morph on this work.
CIL examples :
I've found quite broad similarities with the CIL (reverse polish/stack in nature) and
languages like Forth, and the IL of the PLC Language IEC61131
Some background on IEC61131 is here
more detail on IL is here
and there is another branch, called Structured Text (ST), which is Similar to Modula-2/Pascal/Some BASICs in nature :
Following their links some more, I see they added TI C2000/28x CPUs, and have a free
download of the SW environment, but a licensed kernal.
@jmg - I'm familiar with 61131 in its 3 forms, but didn't realise the similarities. Interesting. I'm not sure about a subset, I was thinking more along lines of big memory and support as much as practical
@blittled, the "not (usually) for real time environs" is a double sided coin. The way I see it the .netmf can execute in a cog or two, we can still do real time stuff in other cogs by working out a suitable way of encapsulating "peripherals" that actually load in a new cog and execute in real time. That could be a big advantage for the prop vs other .netmf micros.
BSOD on my Prop, or PropII.. NO THANK YOU.
Then the SDRAM support planned for Prop2, should remove one ceiling
The Prop/Prop2 would give an easy side-step for the lack of hard-real time,
For code where that matters, just dedicate a core.
Of course, it would be nice to also develop the 'tight stuff' in the same environment, to
allow some elasticity across the boundary.
That's where having a common-subset could be important.
So maybe this would need both
a) CIL => PASM
and the more usual
b) CIL => .NET Bytecode
Path a) would allow fast speed, for tasks expected to load-and-stay in on chip code memory,whilst Path b) would cover the bulk-code.
Library calls (especially maths/string libs), would need local native versions.
edit: oops, missed the fact that this was mentioned already, at least twice
You could also "cheat" and use the 11 opcodes (Zog).
I don't know if using ZPU bytecode would be easier than convering CIL to PASM, but might be worth a try. It is a smaller instruction set than the Javelin bytecode.
Whilst you can build a ZPU interpreter with only the basic 11 byte codes it would be very slow. The ZPU GCC compiler actually emits 50 odd different byte codes. Those extra ones would be synthesized in the interpreter by vectoring out to subroutines written in the 11 basic codes. This is slow and requires a kilo byte or so of extra code in the executable. ZOG implements, in PASM, all the ZPU byte codes used by GCC. That's the only way to get Spin like performance out of it.
I don't think you are ever going to see, or want to see, CIL to PASM. With only 512 instructions fitting in the COG it's not going to work very well for anything much.
Perhasp CIL to LMM (or even ZPU byte codes) for execution from HUB is more reasonable.
But it looks like a CIL bye code interpreter would be the way to go. Interesting that it is stack based like the ZPU.
Lots of common and time sensitive routines can stay in COG and the actual instruction interpreter code can be swapped in/out with very little overhead except for method calls. Performance would be about the same as Propeller JVM.
One has to decide up front if the library code is linked as a monolithic blob or swapped class files though. A single blob would be faster, but swapped files would allow bigger programs in Propeller's little memory without needing a library linker.
A large virtual disk in SDRAM could make file swap performance tolerable