Thread Order Settings
John R.
Posts: 1,376
Prioirity: Something just above "Ignore this forever".
Does anyone know how to permanently save the forum thread sort order?
Most forum sort order is by date of last post for a thread, decending (newest threads first).
The educators forum appears to have a default set of "by title". I can change the setting for a given view period, but if I navagate away from the forum, and come back, even in the same browsing session, it's back to the "by title" sort order.
John R.
Does anyone know how to permanently save the forum thread sort order?
Most forum sort order is by date of last post for a thread, decending (newest threads first).
The educators forum appears to have a default set of "by title". I can change the setting for a given view period, but if I navagate away from the forum, and come back, even in the same browsing session, it's back to the "by title" sort order.
John R.
I'm having that same problem in the Educator's Forum as well. I thought it might have been some mysterious cookie. I'll bring it up with Jim when I can.
Please make sure you pass the priority on to Jim...
All I need is the code.