FSRW and now Rubik's Cube

Congratulations to Mr Rokicki and his team. 

Mike B.
P.S. The article stated that there are 43 quintrillion possible jumbled positions of the cube. For the folks in the U.S. that is 43,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's 18 zeros. For the EU folks your zeros may vary. (Damn Yanks always have to be different!) :cool:
We've tried to standardize on the metric zero, but somehow I think it messes with our version of football. [8^)
Anyway, yep, this is one reason I've not been on the Prop so much lately. Anyway, several news articles have picked up that I'm a PropHead and mentioned the Propeller in the news coverage for the Rubik result, so that's pretty cool.
Hmm, a cube solver in 32K. Can I do that? You bet I can!
Go for it!
I'd like to see a prop solve the cube.
I had to learn how to solve the cube also, after taking the family to the Maker Faire ( in Newcastle UK ) where the Cubinator was there, and entertained my girls, 4 and 7, for most of the day! whilst Coley and myself pushed some prop goodness to the passers by.
Ok, it may not do it faster than the PC that was hidden inside the Cubinators box, but A prop solving the cube would be great!