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Yep...its another test thread — Parallax Forums

Yep...its another test thread

BRBR Posts: 92
edited 2010-08-09 19:20 in General Discussion
Testing, testing, 1-2-3

Bulleted list:
  • item1
  • item2
  • item3

Here's a link to Parallax's web site.

Some bold text...

Some spin code...
pub ma4(x_meas):x_ret
''4-sample moving average filter, implemented with recursion.
''Max filter update rate ~13000 samples/sec for 1 cog @ clkfreq=80

  ptr &= %00000011                         'mask off all but lower two bits
  sum := sum + x_meas - x_buf4[ptr]
  x_buf4[ptr] := x_meas
  x_ret := sum ~> 2                        'divide sum by 4

What's with the "use a poll with this thread" option?
108 x 106 - 4K
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