Trouble with graphic object NOT displaying properly
This matter got lost in the forum switcheroo mess. Was able to post but moments later could not edit it. I thought my computer had a problem for about an hour.
I normally wouldn't bother if I had other ways to ferret out such a problem. In the attachment the values should be 50 decimal for 'Smpl', 0 for 'erase' and 0 or 1 for 'debugVar'. I'm using what was originally Paint! demo modified for the 3.5' LCD by Rayman; slowly cutting out everything I didn't need, adding in what was needed. Originally I had a 'for Debug use only' set of variable which were displayed using dec, decn (from PhiPi) and hex using Chip's 'graphic' object. All was going great. All the values were displaying correctly and I could progress.
Then, something changed, and now every value gets displayed as 4xx - 6xx whether in decimal or hex, as the photo shows. 'debugVar' only is supposed to show 0 or 1 hex, but ranges from 0..F. I'm using Rayman's PTP board which only had 6 spare I/Os and all are now used by my program; none left for TV_text even, which might help!!! Most everything is in Spin, so can't use PASD to check this out, and so far don't have enough spare RAM/EEPROM to use ViewPort.
Does anyone know if there is some way to sleuth the problem? Weird one. I have no idea what changes were made to make this work this way. The cats?
This got 'LOST' as I may have been one of the last to post, but couldn't Edit it a moment later. Frankly, I liked the older forum layout better; seemed much more friendly. It said something like I'd last visited it in 1969!
Harley Shanko
I normally wouldn't bother if I had other ways to ferret out such a problem. In the attachment the values should be 50 decimal for 'Smpl', 0 for 'erase' and 0 or 1 for 'debugVar'. I'm using what was originally Paint! demo modified for the 3.5' LCD by Rayman; slowly cutting out everything I didn't need, adding in what was needed. Originally I had a 'for Debug use only' set of variable which were displayed using dec, decn (from PhiPi) and hex using Chip's 'graphic' object. All was going great. All the values were displaying correctly and I could progress.
Then, something changed, and now every value gets displayed as 4xx - 6xx whether in decimal or hex, as the photo shows. 'debugVar' only is supposed to show 0 or 1 hex, but ranges from 0..F. I'm using Rayman's PTP board which only had 6 spare I/Os and all are now used by my program; none left for TV_text even, which might help!!! Most everything is in Spin, so can't use PASD to check this out, and so far don't have enough spare RAM/EEPROM to use ViewPort.
Does anyone know if there is some way to sleuth the problem? Weird one. I have no idea what changes were made to make this work this way. The cats?
This got 'LOST' as I may have been one of the last to post, but couldn't Edit it a moment later. Frankly, I liked the older forum layout better; seemed much more friendly. It said something like I'd last visited it in 1969!
Harley Shanko