Alternate Prop Chips
I already have a two core tester (BS1 based) for developing simple parallel algorithms, to further development of multiple propeller machines.
Now I would like a larger "Prop tester" for Massively Parallel algorithmic behaviors - by building a new larger test machine using a huge insane number of VERY low cost alternate chips.
What is a good alternate chip that costs almost nothing and is easy to use?
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Humanoid Toddler Robot
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Propalot Stuff *Prop SC Computer
*Prop Skyscraper *Hobby Space Program
*Smart BoeBot -
*Multiprop Project List -
*Tiny Tester for Developing Parallel Algorithms -
Now I would like a larger "Prop tester" for Massively Parallel algorithmic behaviors - by building a new larger test machine using a huge insane number of VERY low cost alternate chips.
What is a good alternate chip that costs almost nothing and is easy to use?
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Humanoid Toddler Robot
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Propalot Stuff *Prop SC Computer
*Prop Skyscraper *Hobby Space Program
*Smart BoeBot -
*Multiprop Project List -
*Tiny Tester for Developing Parallel Algorithms -
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Make life easy and program it in Java. Wrap each on of your parallel algorithms in a Java thread (runnable class). Cook up some communications links between threads. making all communication between processes go through those links. No direct sharing of memory between processes. Stop yourself cheating by making data used by a process private to it's class.
Have some fun playing with different connection topologies and message routing.
If you feel the need for more, network those links over to further PCs and run a few thousand more instances.
Keep an eye on how much memory each instance takes up. In case you ever want too put the resulting algorithms onto real hardware.
For me, the past is not over yet.
I believe,·Peter Verkaik or PJV·previously linked 48 to 50 SX's together for an industrial project. Peter also·released his·Dynamic Virtual Peripheral Library for SXB 2.0 and SX·Assembly.
Not that you need the assistance, but I am·curious if you have a new way to apply them.
Bill M.
Post Edited (Capt. Quirk) : 8/5/2010 6:01:07 PM GMT
Recent computers have 4 cores with 3GHz. Let's imagine how many prop that will emulate...
Linux? There is worst, but it's more expensive.
Considering the SX28 Proto Board board EOL at $5 each, it has some parts and a master library, but even that's not dirt cheap. What would be low cost enough? Maybe one chip should cost $1 or less? A one or more core chip will work fine. However, one core chips these days must go for a few pennies... [noparse]:)[/noparse] That's why it would be considered for a very low cost because many would be needed. Wasn't there a AVR project.. ATTiny or something that was used by Phil in a Parallax sound project? Did that CPU go down in price to a few pennies?
Actually I might be tempted to make my ZPU emulation run multiple instances of the ZPU processor. Develop the algorithms in C/C++ and then they run on the Prop under ICC/Catalina/Zog straight away.
Alternatively get set up with an Occam compiler for the PC which deals with all the threading/communication issues already. Then all we need is a version of the University of Kents Occam interpreter fro the Prop. They have one for AVR so it should be doable.
For me, the past is not over yet.
A small PIC is probably your best bet: the PIC12F508 is 41c in quantity.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Post Edited (Leon) : 8/5/2010 8:18:20 PM GMT
(at SparkFun) Atmel's itty-bitty ATtiny13 8-Bit Processor. 1K of program space, 6 I/O lines, and 4-channel 10 bit ADC. Runs up to 20MHz with external crystal. Package can be programmed in circuit.
MCU 8-Bit ATtiny RISC 1KB Flash 3.3 Volt 5 Volt 8-Pin PDIP
$1.94 price
$1.75 10-99 (10% off)
$1.55 100+ (20% off)
Data Sheet
This is getting closer to the requirement of $1 or less.
Post Edited (Humanoido) : 8/5/2010 7:48:50 PM GMT
Linux? There is worst, but it's more expensive.
But none of these are props of course. LOL
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)·
· Prop OS: SphinxOS·, PropDos , PropCmd··· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBlade Props: around $1 each.
They also have cheaper G2 series, but it's only with 10 i/o at this time
The 5xx series is the fastest, and some pins a grouped for 16bit acccess.
A simulation in forth should be fairly straight forward using something like Pygmy forth on the PC. This is the type of thing I plan to do eventually, but I'm occupied with other parts of the project at the moment. Interested forthorers can PM me.
Moving the maximum price to $.25 or less, each, would be more reasonable. I would like to see a 100 core tester for $25 or less, 1/4th the cost of Propeller chips (on a core to core basis). Is it possible?
Regarding the other chips, a lot of functioning is not needed, but just enough ops to demonstrate some clustered use. I actually thought about using some relays combination but these add up in cost quickly.
Strangely enough I do. The ZPU processor, as emulated on the Prop by Zog, is a 32 bit CPU design intended for use in FPGA's and to take up as few gates as possible. The idea is be able to have a processor managing your FPGA application logic without having to use an extra big FPGA to fit it in.
Presumably one could fit many of these on an FPGA. In fact it did already occur to me that it would be a really funky idea to put say 8 ZPU cores into an FPGA with say some round robin logic to handle access to a common RAM area.
Sound familiar?. Yes that's right. Instead of having Propeller COGs running Zog emulations of the ZPU why not just put 8 lots of ZPU logic in an FPGA?
That's all a pipe dream as I don't imagine having the time to get that deeply into Verilog or VHDL.
The ZPU design is open and available here
For other CPU implementations on FPGA there is OpenCores where you will find lots of other interesting stuff as well.
That's really wild and profound. After the 8 are running, fill the FPGA to the max. How many will fit? 100? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000?
Even more interesting, you won't need to build hardware from schematics, just software, as I understand it. What is the relationship between the number of gates per FPGA and the number of ZPUs that can fit?
Yep it is. Thought you might like it.
"How many will fit?"
I really have no idea how to size that up. In the Zylin ZPU intro page they say a ZPU will take 442 LUTS. Well a LUT is a Look Up Table. That is the FPGA is actually performing logic functions OR, AND, XOR etc by using the inputs to address a table, then the table is filled with the correct logic function outputs.
However if you check, for example the Altera FPGA family overview pages, they talk about how many LE's each FPGA has. LE as in Logic Element.
How closely related LUTs and LEs are I don't know. In the old days they would speak of CLB's (Configurable Logic Blocks) so this is a jungle.
Anyway. Lets say I go to my local electronics emporium and pick up an Altera Cyclone II Starter Kit for 180 Euros. (Which I've always been tempted to do by the way). That's got a Cyclone III EP3C25 device in it with 24624 LEs. If one LUT were equivalent to 1 LE that would be 55 ZPU's !!!
When that's working we upgrade to a Cyclone IV EP4CGX150 with 1459760 LE's. That's 338 ZPU's!!!!
BUT What is happening here? Lets say our numbers are overestimating by a factor of 2 due to the fact that we need other support logic besides the ZPU and the FPGA tools may not fit everything 100% efficiently. That's 25 odd ZPUs for 200 Euro. For 200 Euro we get 20 Propellers or 160 COGs to run ZPU's. And with the Prop we don't have to worry about how where or how the memory is interfaced.
Looks like the economics is not working out. However those FPGA ZPU's will run a thousand times faster.
Now for 200 Euro I can get a a board with a 4 core XMOS device each of which can run 8 independent threads at 50MIPS each (I think). That's the equivalent of 32 ZPUs.
Ah this get's to complicated:
XMOS - 200 Euro / 32 processors @ 50 MIPS each = 6 Euro/CPU
Cyclone III FPGA - 200 Euro / 25 processors = 8 Euro/CPU
Propeller - 200 Euro / 160 cogs = 1.25 Euro / CPU
Unless you are only working in PASM in a COG the Prop processors will be 100 times slower than the Cyclon or XMOS solutions.
The XMOS solution looks good here, just write your code and run it, no messing with Verilog or VHDL. Easy to expand when you want more processors. Cheaper too.
You pay your money and you make your choice.
Anyone here more knowledgeable about LUTs and LEs ?.
you get 64 XMOS four-core chips with 8x64 hardware threads delivering 25 GIPS for $1500.
24 years ago I put 16 of my Inmos transputer modules, each with 1 Mbyte of RAM, on a large motherboard, delivering 320 MIPS. My distributor sold lots of them, at about £13,000 each!