Micro SD vs SD?
Hi all,
I ordered my SD card (32GB) on NCIX.ca, and my SD card ready at Parallax and just received this last one today....
But it's not an SD card reader! It's a Micro-SD card reader. So my SD card don't feet in it.
So I have 3 questions:
- Is it possible to find a SD to Micro-SD adapter somewhere?
- Is it possible to find a 32GB Micro-SD somewhere?
- Is it possible to find a SD card reader for Prop (not Micro-SD)?
Any of those 3 will solve my issue, but so far, I'm stuck with a card which can't feet into my reader [noparse]:([/noparse]
By the way, there is Micro-SD and Micro-SDHC. Are the 2 working on the prop?
I ordered my SD card (32GB) on NCIX.ca, and my SD card ready at Parallax and just received this last one today....
But it's not an SD card reader! It's a Micro-SD card reader. So my SD card don't feet in it.
So I have 3 questions:
- Is it possible to find a SD to Micro-SD adapter somewhere?
- Is it possible to find a 32GB Micro-SD somewhere?
- Is it possible to find a SD card reader for Prop (not Micro-SD)?
Any of those 3 will solve my issue, but so far, I'm stuck with a card which can't feet into my reader [noparse]:([/noparse]
By the way, there is Micro-SD and Micro-SDHC. Are the 2 working on the prop?
My issue is the oposite [noparse];)[/noparse]
I have the big card and the small plug. all the adaptors I found are to convert small cards to feet large plugs.
I searched ebay, google, paypal with no success so far [noparse]:([/noparse]
Linux? There is worst, but it's more expensive.
This is what I'm looking for. The issue with dealextreme.com is that it takes 2 weeks to receive the order [noparse]:([/noparse] So I will continue to search for something faster [noparse];)[/noparse]
Linux? There is worst, but it's more expensive.
The SD card reader that you showed on your picture is the sane as one that I got from a £1 shop here in the UK. It just goes to show how the cheap Chinese manurfacturing machine is all powerfull, and trampling.
I have never seen a converter from "big" SD to mico SD, just the other way as you have.
Why did I think a new, more challenging, job was a good idea ??
32312 AND 32313
One is for micro SD, while the other is for regular SD.
Check also www.gadgetgangster.com and ucontroller.com. They both have SD adapters. SDHC are the bigger cards (> 2 Gb). If you use a recent driver you'll have no problem.
That way, I will have all the readers formats, all the cards formats, and all the adapters formats! No more issues! [noparse];)[/noparse]
The only sad thing is that I will not be able to "play" with all of that today as expected [noparse]:([/noparse]
My SD Card is 32GB, does it mean it's automatically a SDHC? There is nothing specified in it. Also, I will us Kye's driver, which is very recent. I hope what will work...
Linux? There is worst, but it's more expensive.
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Actually they do make them. Check out the attached picture. [noparse]:)[/noparse] It came with a micro sd card I ordered from amazon about a year ago.
This is a Micro-SD to SD adapter. Not a SD to Micro-SD. What we was looking for was a way to pu a regular SD card into a Micro-SD slot.
Look at this link: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.27001
Linux? There is worst, but it's more expensive.
But less expensive to buy that than another SD card. Also, "big" SDs are usually bigger (GB) than MicroSD...
So now, I ordered one SD reader, one Micro-SD ready, one SD card, one Micro SD card, one MicroSD to SD adapter and one SD to MicroSD adapter.
That way, I can try all the configurations [noparse];)[/noparse]
Linux? There is worst, but it's more expensive.