Updated code posted to the OBEX!
Just a heads up,
I updated my DS1307 RTC driver library. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. I have also included an extensive demo that allows you to access all the features of the driver through a serial connection. Finally the driver now supports locking to allow multiprocess access.
Using the demo now, setting the time and date on the RTC is now easier than before! You can also access the 56 bytes of RAM on the DS1307 from the demo.
Additionally I changed the interface of the driver so that now there can never been any problems with getting or setting the time and having roll over occur while doing so.
I have also·updated my·generic EEPROM driver·library. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. I have also included an extensive demo that allows you to access all the features of the driver through a serial connection. Finally the driver now supports locking to allow multiprocess access.
Using the demo now, you can preform hex dumps and speed test the code. Currently the read speed goes at 2515 bytes per second at 80 MHZ. Additionally the demo allows you to get and set any byte, word, or long on the EEPROM.
I have also updated my string library. The new version now supports·case insensitive and sensitive string comparing, string copying and concatenation, and additional string building rountines.
I have also updated my trig library. The new version now has the sine table included within it so that its possible to port it to another·micro easily.
I have also update my full duplex serial port driver. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. There is a demo for it also now.
I have also updated my half duplex serial port driver. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. There is a demo for it also now.
Finally I posted a new driver for the sharp·GP2D02 infrared distance sensor online. There is a demo for also.
I have a few more new drivers that I'll be posting later today also, but I have to get some work done so I'll get to that later.
I updated my DS1307 RTC driver library. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. I have also included an extensive demo that allows you to access all the features of the driver through a serial connection. Finally the driver now supports locking to allow multiprocess access.
Using the demo now, setting the time and date on the RTC is now easier than before! You can also access the 56 bytes of RAM on the DS1307 from the demo.
Additionally I changed the interface of the driver so that now there can never been any problems with getting or setting the time and having roll over occur while doing so.
I have also·updated my·generic EEPROM driver·library. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. I have also included an extensive demo that allows you to access all the features of the driver through a serial connection. Finally the driver now supports locking to allow multiprocess access.
Using the demo now, you can preform hex dumps and speed test the code. Currently the read speed goes at 2515 bytes per second at 80 MHZ. Additionally the demo allows you to get and set any byte, word, or long on the EEPROM.
I have also updated my string library. The new version now supports·case insensitive and sensitive string comparing, string copying and concatenation, and additional string building rountines.
I have also updated my trig library. The new version now has the sine table included within it so that its possible to port it to another·micro easily.
I have also update my full duplex serial port driver. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. There is a demo for it also now.
I have also updated my half duplex serial port driver. The new version now supports run time configurable I/O pins. There is a demo for it also now.
Finally I posted a new driver for the sharp·GP2D02 infrared distance sensor online. There is a demo for also.
I have a few more new drivers that I'll be posting later today also, but I have to get some work done so I'll get to that later.
This is great.· I've had the roll over thing happen to me a couple of times.· Thanks·for all your great objects.· These have made my life much easier.
Great job! The serial port drivers, both half and full duplex, are especially useful.
The demos make everything even more useful.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)·
· Prop OS: SphinxOS·, PropDos , PropCmd··· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ·www.bluemagic.biz·· MultiBlade Props: www.cluso.bluemagic.biz
You make good stuff! I like your string library and I'm going to try your SD card and DAC stuff soon. I'll try out your serial library too.
Tom Talbot
New Market, MD, USA
· I have used the DS1307 with Basic Stamps and Arduinos but not yet with the Propeller.
I noticed you use 10K pullup resistors to 3.3V on SDA and SCL - is that sufficient to protect the Propeller pins·since the supply voltage is 5V?
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8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
Wondering how to set tile colors in the graphics_demo.spin?
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