Propeller and ESC?
I'm bored with my BJT H-bridge experiment and I'm also a little concerned that without an interface chip errant signals from the uproc (usually caused by bad programming) could cause shorting conditions in the hbridge. I was about to buy a 1A motor driver chip but then started thinking bigger. What if I wanted something a bit larger than lunch pail size? What if I wanted something that can go 45mph flat out? I'm not going to get that with 1A. I've got some RC stuff in the old junk box from years gone by and I've got a few 25A ESC's. One with reverse - the others are for aircraft so no reverse. I was thinking of leveraging them somehow with the prop driving them. Is there anything to be aware of with these? Do I need to worry about flyback or does the ESC protect from that? Is it just a standard PWM signal that I can use to drive it?
Yeah, all the ones I have are from back when a novak brushless system was about 500 bucks and only for serious racers. Since I was a backyard basher I could never justify the cost. Now they (brushless systems) are pretty much standard fair for aircraft (fixed wing and rotor). I don't do ground RC anymore so I'm not so sure about that.
Good to know about the servo control signal. I'll grab an object off obex and start experimenting. Thanks!
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