Keyboard Emulator? PS/2 signals to computer
Hi there,
Looking through the OBEX, I'm wondering: There's a lot of work done on reading and using the input of keyboards, mouse and other input devices.·But has any work been done on emulating the PS/2 signals to a computer? The idea would be to take input from a keyboard (which is simple, given the available objects ·in OBEX) process it on given properties from the input (i.e. do with it whatever the heck I want to do with it) and depending on the input, send output to the PS/2 input of a computer. (Still with me? ;-) )
Has anybody any hint / clue / object about how to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Looking through the OBEX, I'm wondering: There's a lot of work done on reading and using the input of keyboards, mouse and other input devices.·But has any work been done on emulating the PS/2 signals to a computer? The idea would be to take input from a keyboard (which is simple, given the available objects ·in OBEX) process it on given properties from the input (i.e. do with it whatever the heck I want to do with it) and depending on the input, send output to the PS/2 input of a computer. (Still with me? ;-) )
Has anybody any hint / clue / object about how to do that?
Thanks in advance.
This website has the protocol for you to follow however. Its alot of work but it can be done.
Solution 1: I used an IPAC keyboard encoder for the arcade machines (i had a spare, ) and high line signals ended up as keystrokes. I used a USB IPAC on the receiver for a set of wireless game show buttons because I was worried that PS/2 ports are on their way out.
Solution 2: Serial port to keyboard buffer redirector (like sertokey, easily found online)
Solution 3: Write up a PS/2 object. I second Kye in the discovery that the people who know how to do it are not interested in doing so.
Solution 4: Write up a USB HID-object. I've seen kits for this on nuts and volts magazine but they are a bit pricey. From what I can tell, the prop well set up for USB work (but I may be wrong)
Tom Talbot
New Market, MD, USA
Hmm... I'm still quite a noob when it comes to Propeller, but I'm not entirely clueless.. The link to provided a LOT of information about what the protocol is supposed to look like and I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd say it should be pretty easy to write a couple of bits out to something like a ps/2 port. At least looking at the matrial on that website.
It just strikes me as surprising.. :P All this work done on reading keyboards, and nothing on writing signals from something emulating one.. It's Way less complex than some of the objects I see here on the OBEX and yet there's nothing on it.. Oh well, maybe because it indeed isn't interesting to do.. I might post an object for this, but don't hold your breath. I have something resembling a Propeller kit, but need new parts.. I'll get those after I come back from vacation.
It may not be irony. It may be because such a device could be used as a keyboard sniffer to steal passwords.
Of course, if you want to code such a thing, it will be some spin and some pasm and anyone who codes this will learn a lot about propeller programming, so much so that they could be considered an expert programmer. And that can only be a Good Thing!
There is a simpler solution too - use the propeller to translate keyboard to serial RS232, and read the serial data into the PC via a $2 USB to serial adaptor. The code to do this already exists - keyboard object and serial object and tie them together with a couple of lines of spin.
Will work for Propeller parts!
i did a simple qbasic terminal routine for talking with the pocket terminal. one line of 6 or so following an input request was: if a$="[noparse][[/noparse]" then shell.
poof - you are now talking to dos and can run anything you want to in the way of editors, programs, etc, using the pocket terminal - or demo board - as input to your computer.
haven't done it yet, but since the most excellent decimalbasic can address any serial port in the computer system, i expect the same thing will work in windows xp environment.
[noparse][[/noparse]with qbasic you are limited to addressing either com1 or com2]