Best ways to strart learning Assembly Language??
So im sure this question has been asked a million times, but what are some good materials for learning assembly language?
anything is good, but free stuff is best lol
and im especially looking for well written tutorials as thats how i learn the best.
and if you all would like to share how you started in assembly language that would be helpful!
anything is good, but free stuff is best lol
and im especially looking for well written tutorials as thats how i learn the best.
and if you all would like to share how you started in assembly language that would be helpful!
That is being expanded and improved, but nothing I can put out there yet. (soon though) The latest version there is a great intro. (second post down) I recommend DeSilva's document as well.
The parent thread to that, contains some other references you will find useful.
I got my start with assembly language on the Apple ][noparse][[/noparse] computer. It has a built in mini-assembler (line assembler), and system monitor. Worked off of a photocopied opcode reference sheet, and assembled my first few programs by hand, typing them directly into the monitor in hex.
(I recommend doing this at least once on any CPU. It's worth your time. Do something simple, like a program that makes a sound, or that blinks some LEDs, or maybe one that counts numbers on screen. Hand assembling a few hundred bytes is worth your time. The only experience closer to the CPU is keying the thing in with binary switches, directly in machine language, which is the product of assembly language.)
On the Propeller, I got started looking at other assembly code and writing some short programs, and by modifying existing ones. Still learning too.
Assembly language is a lot of fun, because the programmer gets to directly interact with the CPU, and because it's fast. Have fun. Don't give it up when you have to power through your first few frustrations. Ask stuff. That helps.
The best way to go about it, IMHO, is to pick apart some other small programs. If you end up reading my tutorial, an example of how that is done and what to look for is there. Pick something simple, and comment the heck out of it, with the goal of understanding what every bit (literally) does.
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Post Edited (potatohead) : 8/1/2010 2:19:35 AM GMT
And "Programming the Parallax Propeller using Machine Language"
And "Propeller Datasheet"
For additional learning, read all you can about Logic Gates, Microcontroller Architecture, and History of Computers.
Hosted by Jeff Martin - December 2009.