Most Useless Machine
I would like to make a most useless machine but I would like to know how i could make the basic stamp play a sound when the switch is flipped.
Peter KG6LSE
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
BTW I saw a cool variation on that in Make magazine. Here's a link to the video:
That version uses only a 555 chip and a single servo. The neat thing is that it is actually turning itself off and has just enough power to go back in the box.
·"If you build it, they will come."
Connect that to a relay that applies power to an old Cassette Tape Recorder.
Then you could record any speech from Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, anyone in Congress or The Senate.
Have the Stamp Play it back and you will be treated to an endless supply of useless noise.
Put a Hillary or Obama head fixed with some solenoids controled by the rest of the Stamp I/O and that would complete your 'Most Useless Machine'
Sorry I couldnt help my self...
I hope I didnt ire the Moderator Gods too much!!!
Alan Bradford ·N1YMQ
Plasma Technologies
Canaan NH 03741
not watching the news anymore because they just couldn't stop blaming President Bush for anything I mean anything its was the most outrageous attack on a president imaginable not that he didn't bring some of it on but remember CNN would have a HUGE lighted score board in the back ground of every single broadcast showing the number of killed American soldiers
in Iraq every day and night they trumped that in even broadcasts about anything like fashion designs then this guy I can't even mention his name becomes president and you never see that anyone more nothing,, had any soldier died since he became president Wow what an achievement there is no more deaths in Iraq of our soldiers he was on the news last night he actually stood up and said looking right at the camera he stated that and I quote " I fixed the economy" then he spewed off a million more things that he single handed fixed for us all on his own.. I don't know about where you are I am in CT I can't point in any direction and not be pointing at someone I know that is out of work we are dying here in the east I am so confused where did he fix the economy ?? Russia Anyway this will get deleted I just wanted to say you made me laugh
I saw on youtube last night that they are also called "leave me alone" boxes. Also, this youtube video has the switches of two of them linked together so they go back and forth.
Here's a good idea for the next Parallax contest.......
How ELABORATE can you make a Parallax based Most Useless Machine?
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
PowerTwig Dual Output Power Supply Module
My Prop projects: Reverse Geo-Cache Box, Custom Metronome, Micro Plunge Logger
Somebody had a LOT of time on their hands! Great vid! :-)
Oops on me. I am on the wrong forum. I thought this was about Basic Stamps.
Can't we keep politics on the politics sites?