My own Basic Stamp , question to decide the model . Please Help
Posts: 184
For a long time I am thinking to have my own
Basic Stamp.
I must tell you that I don't have an industrial welding machine and I
like to buy about 300 interpreter chips.
I want to choose between these three interpreters chips: 2Pe, 2PX or 2P40.
About surface finish and welding:
All of them are very good for me but I am afraid
that those that have more speed like PX24 could need
too many requirements related to surface finish and welding.
About resonator:
It seems that the resonator must be very close to the interpreter
chip and I'm assuming that this distance between resonator and interpreter chip
is more critical when the speed is higher (like 2PX)
About Revisions:
I can see that Basic Stamp 2PE and 2P modules have several revisions and
the 2PX only Rev-A. May I assume that 2PX has less improves than the others ?
About Stock:
And I can see that the PX interpreter chip stock is only 13 .
(May I assume that 2PX is near to "the end of life" ? )
All suggestions are welcome , Thanks Mark.
For a long time I am thinking to have my own
Basic Stamp.
I must tell you that I don't have an industrial welding machine and I
like to buy about 300 interpreter chips.
I want to choose between these three interpreters chips: 2Pe, 2PX or 2P40.
About surface finish and welding:
All of them are very good for me but I am afraid
that those that have more speed like PX24 could need
too many requirements related to surface finish and welding.
About resonator:
It seems that the resonator must be very close to the interpreter
chip and I'm assuming that this distance between resonator and interpreter chip
is more critical when the speed is higher (like 2PX)
About Revisions:
I can see that Basic Stamp 2PE and 2P modules have several revisions and
the 2PX only Rev-A. May I assume that 2PX has less improves than the others ?
About Stock:
And I can see that the PX interpreter chip stock is only 13 .
(May I assume that 2PX is near to "the end of life" ? )
All suggestions are welcome , Thanks Mark.
The BS2p40 is a little faster, but it's main purpose is to provide an extra set of 16 I/O pins for applications that need the extra I/O.
The BS2px is the fastest Stamp and it has some extra I/O pin options including an analog comparator and the ability to have a programmable pullup. It's also the newest Stamp which is why it has no revisions.
Yes, the resonator should be close to the interpreter chip
The stock numbers can sometimes be misleading. There may be others elsewhere in the supply line, possibly scheduled for delivery to the warehouse. Although the SX processor used for most of the Stamps is "end of life", Parallax has a large stock of wafers on hand, enough for years of use. There may be delays and periods of low stock as the wafers are sent to be cut into individual chips, packaged, and tested, but there should be Stamp chips for many years.
I understand that each Basic Stamps has its own feaures but
I am afraid that a Basic Stamp 2PX could need more requirements related to surface finish and welding
than a Basic Stamp 2Pe because the 2PX is working faster , even the 2PX
generates more heat than the 2Pe.
For those reason , I need to know which model of Basic Stamp is
better for me since I am beginning in welding processes.
All suggestions are welcome , Thanks Mark.
The BS2px does not generate significantly more heat than any of the other Stamps.
I tend to recommend the BS2px, partly because the extra speed is sometimes useful and partly because the BS2px has some extra features that are sometimes useful, but probably any of the Stamps will work for your application depending on those details.
I need Basic Stamps only for school educational purpose.
(Moving servos, use of Parallax sensors and general robotics ) .
In fact BS2-Pe, BS2PX , or BS2P40 are more than I need
but now my only one problem is to know which Basic Stamp
will need less manufacturing accuracy.
For example: Supose that the EEprom must be welded exactly at
0.1" from the resonator for Basic Stamp 2PX ,
but the EEprom for the Basic Stamp 2Pe could be welded between
0.1" to 0.2" from the resonator.
In this case the Basic Stamp 2PX need more manufacturing acuracy than Basic Stamp
2Pe ( of course this in an example only)
I hope I have explained my self. If not please let me know.
That is the reason I don't know if all Basic Stamp need the same
manufacturing acuracy.
Thanks again , Mark.
- Stephen