NXT to Prop Idea
Posts: 281
I was wondering if anyone out there has Lego NXT hardware and knows how to design PCB's. I have none of the two so I was wondering if it would be possible to make a Lego NXT propeller brain. Something like their current one but with the prop as brains, also wouldn't it be able to have more ports. It would be great it was idiot proof (plug wise) and programmable in Spin (with an object). Also it would be cool if the prop was able to be replaced (IC socket) if it had it's own pcb and have some kind of lego enclosure. Lastly if it also had some cheap low cost on board sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope). I Would have no idea how to do this and am just suggesting it for people to try (defiantly would get some $$$ for it). But if someone could just design a simple board with the right input/output plugs and a simple explaination on how to program and use the NXT peripherals that would be very cool!
"WOAH! that wasn't supposed to happen!"
I was wondering if anyone out there has Lego NXT hardware and knows how to design PCB's. I have none of the two so I was wondering if it would be possible to make a Lego NXT propeller brain. Something like their current one but with the prop as brains, also wouldn't it be able to have more ports. It would be great it was idiot proof (plug wise) and programmable in Spin (with an object). Also it would be cool if the prop was able to be replaced (IC socket) if it had it's own pcb and have some kind of lego enclosure. Lastly if it also had some cheap low cost on board sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope). I Would have no idea how to do this and am just suggesting it for people to try (defiantly would get some $$$ for it). But if someone could just design a simple board with the right input/output plugs and a simple explaination on how to program and use the NXT peripherals that would be very cool!
"WOAH! that wasn't supposed to happen!"