16 MHz Crystal for prop
Found 16 MHz crystals for .49 cents each I think it might be possible to solder some small wires to them because they are smd, but they are full size with smd leads. I don't remember if the porp supposts 16 MHz crystals so please tell me if they do. Also i found this: 8-Bit Shift Register (Part# M74LS164P) Description: 8-bit serial-input parallel-output shift register from Mitsubishi (part# M74LS164P) features direct reset capability and an operating temperature range of -20 to 75 degrees Celsius. Recommended operating conditions: VCC=4.75V-5.25V, VIH>2V, VIL<0.8V. 14 pin DIP. Datasheet available. G17840 Would this be compatable with the propeller?
"WOAH! that wasn't supposed to happen!"
Post Edited (logan996) : 7/29/2010 5:17:15 PM GMT
"WOAH! that wasn't supposed to happen!"
Post Edited (logan996) : 7/29/2010 5:17:15 PM GMT
The HC family, is less expensive, consume less energy, modern, etc.
Mouser Electronics has it for $0.19 x 1 (0.17 x 25)
Oh! 100% compatible with the Propeller.
"WOAH! that wasn't supposed to happen!"
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My cruising website is: ·www.bluemagic.biz·· MultiBlade Props: www.cluso.bluemagic.biz
I see this component as an output device, but not for a keyboard input.