steper moters and the prop
i have several steper motors and was wondering how to interface them with the prop diagrams needed
the steper moters are 12 volt dc 33 ohm 1.8 /step part m68sp-2
help would be appreciated again diagrams would be nice and maby
a code example
cuz iam new at this
the steper moters are 12 volt dc 33 ohm 1.8 /step part m68sp-2
help would be appreciated again diagrams would be nice and maby
a code example
cuz iam new at this
Is that a Mitsumi Electric stepper? Might you have a data sheet you can link us to? Any idea if it's bipolar or unipolar? How many wires does it have?
The Propeller can handle steppers quite well in a number of different ways. Some ways are more efficient than others.
If you're new to Propellers, then you really need to learn the basics of Propellers before you tackle motors, I think. But if you're new only to stepper motors, then have a look at the links below, the first of which provides a nice tutorial on the different types of motors and control methods, etc.
I hope this helps get you started.
Did you ever find a data sheet for this?
If you don't have a wiring diagram but you do have an ohmmeter or continuity tester, check the leads to see which ones are connected to which. This will help you identify how the motor coils are connected.
Running a motor in bipolar mode is more complicated than unipolar, but you get better performance out of a bipolar mode. Of course, you probably already understand all that since I'm sure you've gone through the links I provided yesterday, right?