At a loss as to how to code for this
I keep having erroneous values trying to measure the rpms in my car.
The ecu pulses a 'high' 2 times per revolution
My problem is that when I am starting the car/cranking I am getting erroneous values and I am not sure as to why?
The design of the code is to measure two 'high' values, subtract the time it took in between them and use that value to calculate the rpms. How can I differentiate between cranking and the car running? Especially if I'm getting erroneous values?
The ecu pulses a 'high' 2 times per revolution
My problem is that when I am starting the car/cranking I am getting erroneous values and I am not sure as to why?
The design of the code is to measure two 'high' values, subtract the time it took in between them and use that value to calculate the rpms. How can I differentiate between cranking and the car running? Especially if I'm getting erroneous values?
PUB Measure_rpm 'WAITPEQ (State, Mask, Port) dira[noparse][[/noparse]15] := 1 repeat 'sync with transition low-high WaitPeq(0 , |< c_EngineRunningPin,0) 'wait for pin low 'now we are synced WaitPeq(|< c_EngineRunningPin, |< c_EngineRunningPin,0) 'wait for pin high leadingEdgeSnapShot1 := cnt outa[noparse][[/noparse]15] := 1 WaitPeq(0 , |< c_EngineRunningPin,0) 'wait for pin low WaitPeq(|< c_EngineRunningPin, |< c_EngineRunningPin,0) 'wait for pin high leadingEdgeSnapShot2 := cnt rpmtime := leadingEdgeSnapShot2 - leadingEdgeSnapShot1 Debug.Str(string("rpmtime = ")) Debug.Dec(rpmtime) Debug.Tx(13) rpms := (((clkfreq/rpmtime) * 60) / 2) ' there are 2 pulses per revolution
Serial Out Application said...
rpmtime = 1842070832
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 39392
rpmtime = 403568
rpm in lift=5940 <
Here is where the code called another function because of an erroneous value that calculated the rpms to 5940, while cranking the car over
You are in lift!!!!!!!
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 5238384
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 403568
rpmtime = 3023248
Another idea is to add a low pass filter of sorts in software. How often are you getting readings?
Timothy D. Swieter, P.E. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" 16:9 LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT, PropNET, PolkaDOT-51
Yes I am
It does not cause a problem otherwise, so I'm inclined to think it is ok. I've also used the power supply to the factory ecu, which I believe is already filtered based on the wiring diagrams.
Any idea on how to code for my different situations?
@ Timothy
It happens every time I try and start the car, so I don't think it is rollover related
The starter can cause the voltage to go quite low!
Might try using a separate power source to see if the problem goes away.
Then I don't know if a diode and large capacitor would allow the Propeller voltage to remain high while the vehicle voltage temporarily dips low during starting?
Timothy D. Swieter, P.E. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" 16:9 LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT, PropNET, PolkaDOT-51
I'm hoping there is a software solution that a more experienced coder could suggest?
Basically the car does not idle at less than 400rpms, so =< 400rpms means the car is off or cranking over. 500rpms is 16.67 pulses per second from the hall effect magnetic sensor.
It appears that my problem is that sometimes the magnetic sensor gets stuck on a "high" when the car turns off.
I believe I need a wrapper for the repeat loop code that is shown above, something that that does not allow the repeat loop to run until it sees 17 pulses in a clkfreq. What do you think? Or something that is a running average?
If the sensor was dropping out, the car would not start as I've had it unplugged before, although that was a good idea! I honestly think it's my code, I'm just not sure how to fix it.
Basically I tried to write a separate piece of code that is as basic as it gets and won't allow the method to enter the rpm calculation code until it sees => 17 pulses per second.
Psuedocode would be to:
wait for a high and then a low from the tachometer signal, then to log that time compared to the system count cnt.
Then increment the variable pulsecount each time the repeat loop sees a high then low as long as timeoflastpulse is less than system cnt + clkfreq
Once it hits 17 pulses the code has the key to be able to enter the repeat loop where the code calculates actual rpms
If it does not see a high and then a low within clkfreq+timeoflastpulse then it resets the pulse count to 0, removing the key for it to enter the other loop
You may also want to connect an input to check if the key is in the 'start' position, and ignore any tachometer readings until it returns to the 'run' position.
— David Carrier
Parallax inc.
There is a starter pin, I will scope that and see what it does and when to see if I can use it.
for rpm counting i've used the formula:
to good effect - might be the same as yours - dunno. Also i've implemented a rolling average and filtered data < 3.5ms (~750 rpm) and > 35ms (>10k rpm) to get rid of some of the noise.
I've been having issues when I changed from a dying Pi RPM pickup to a Stack one - the signal is clean, but with some random pulses - hence the filtering.
Oh - cranking speed should be < 500 rpm - typically in the 2-300 rpm's as I understand.
Let us know how you get on
That's a good point, but I'm tapping the tach signal which is supposed to be filtered from that ignition noise? I've scoped it during cranking and I'm not seeing it fire all over the place? My tach also does not jump all over the place?
I'm going to work on some code today and see what happens
Post Edited (turbosupra) : 7/30/2010 3:27:35 PM GMT
When I run PUB Main and Cognew(PUB Measure_RPM, @RPM_stack[noparse][[/noparse]20]), it works fine
When I run PUB Main and Cognew(PUB Measure_RPM, @RPM_stack[noparse][[/noparse]20]), along with 5 other Cognew 's I get erroneous values?
What could cause this?
COGNEW - one cog
5 other COGNEWs - 5 cogs
FullDuplexSerial - one cog
That's 8 out of 8 cogs. Are you using any other cogs implicitly like in some other object?
Remember that each Spin COGNEW has to have its own private stack area.
Thank you for the reply.
Each has its own stack area, I did not know that FullDuplexSerial required a cog though, that is good info. That is the only object I am attaching.
I will try it now without one of the cogs so that there is 7 total and see how it responds. I guess it is time to start combining things?
I have pin 8 as an RPM input pin
I have pin 9 as a PWM output pin
It's oscillation is definitely causing cross talk or interference. How can I shield this or?
I can move the pin BUT I'd have to have 2 pins on each side that were not used? That can't be the solution?
Maybe a pull down resistor, around 1Mohm?
Are the wires leading from Pin 8 and Pin 9 bundled with each other? Could you try shielded cable for at least one of those wires?
Did you test how much crosstalk you're actually getting by perhaps disconnecting whatever is on the ends of Pin 8 and Pin 9 and sending a PWM signal down Pin 9 and seeing if you get the same signal frequency (or maybe a harmonic) read on Pin 8?
Just thinking out loud here.
The rpm input is pin 8 and the pwm out is pin 9. I was getting a continuous erroneous value of 5940rpms (while cranking the car over with the cars starter) because of the cross talk with the pwm pin 9. I would consistently see that value of 5940.
The only shielding I could think to do would be to put a pull down resistor on pin 8? Because it seemed to be between the pins and not the wires themselves, it was very strange! Took me about 3 weeks to figure out that was what was happening.
Shielded wiring would have aluminum wrapped around the outside like coax cable and grounded at one end.
On shielding (take apart an old TV or VCR and notice the tuner portion is in a metal can)...
On automotive EMI (See EMI)...
Crosstalk between Propeller pins? I haven't heard anyone complain about that one until now. How did you determine that the crosstalk is happening only between the pins and not between the wires? Wires can sometimes act like antennae, you know, inducing signals in each other. But I think for ONLY the pins to crosstalk would mean that signals are leaking through the chip itself or across some bad soldering or something.
I'm guessing you really need to test your theory about pin-to-pin crosstalk by disconnecting the wires so you know the wires are not part of the situation. As for using a pulldown resistor: I'm certainly no expert in electronics, but I don't see how adding a resistor will shield anything. You need a cable that encloses the internal conductor with an outer conductive material, and that outer conductor needs to be grounded.
hope that helps,
I guess it could be the wires as well, I will have to test this.
The pull down resistor idea was to try and stop false positives from EMI, and allow the pin to only see a 'high' when a reasonable enough amount of current will over come the resistors path to ground