Anyone interfaced to a Tru-Test?

Hi gang,
Just a quick ask before I re-invent the wheel.
Has anyone done any propeller interfacing to a Tru-Test interface box ?
If you have are you prepared to share ?
Thanks in advance.
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Post Edited (pacman) : 7/28/2010 7:52:19 AM GMT
Just a quick ask before I re-invent the wheel.
Has anyone done any propeller interfacing to a Tru-Test interface box ?
If you have are you prepared to share ?
Thanks in advance.
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
Post Edited (pacman) : 7/28/2010 7:52:19 AM GMT
I've interfaced with several balances which have RS-232 connections.· Usually there is a button to press to send the data (on one of the balances it's marked "total" and other balance show a printer icon).· You of course need to convert the RS-232 signal to TTL (0V and 3.3V).· I use a MAX3232·type chip (I use Intersil's ICL3232)·but·if you·only want to receive data you can apparently get by with a couple of transistors (I saw this·here on the forum).
You probably know all this already and were looking·for·information specifically on a Tru-Test.· At least this post "bumped" your post so someone with real information is more likely to see it.
On with the stuff·you already know.· The balances I've·used generally put out a bunch of·other information besides weight.· You want to make sure you capture several data streams·use various modes of the balance.· You might want to·capture the raw ASCII code and not just what is displayed on a terminal program so you can see·what control characters are being used (usually there will be·carriage returns and line feeds).· In my case both balances output a "g" after the weight so I know·once a "g" is received I have enough information to find the weight.· One of my·balances transmits 48 characters with each weight.
I've found most·companies selling balances will sell accessories for displaying or·printing the output·from·the serial port but the accessories are general insanely expensive.