Word Processor Program
First time programming the Propeller in a while!
I'm going to post a completely unfinished, messy, and buggy version of a little word processor I'm working on. I'll finish it later when it's not 3:40 AM.
Have fun exploring its wonderful glitches :-P
I'm going to post a completely unfinished, messy, and buggy version of a little word processor I'm working on. I'll finish it later when it's not 3:40 AM.
Have fun exploring its wonderful glitches :-P
Excellent program! Looking forward to your adding SD code!
-Yes, it works on the Parallax Demo Board, that's how I programmed it, hooked up to a TV with a PS/2 keyboard. In fact, you might need to change some of the constants to make it work otherwise. I need to start commenting it up.
-How to use it: Just start typing. There are 37 characters per line, and you move up and down through the lines by using the up and down arrow keys. Right now there's no way to move left and right through the text with the arrow keys, and there's no way to insert text behind other text-- it just overwrites. That's another thing I need to work on.
I had some time this weekend and checked out the word processor on the Parallax Demo Board. It was way cool! I like it! It has a very good appearance and works very perky with a great response. Immediately it welcomes you, which is very user friendly. You double click WP3-spin and Run, Compile Top, Load eeprom. From there it takes off. Very nice to see a real time count of the row and column. The right hand scroll bar indicator is a nice touch. Definitely needs the left right arrow key movements through text left and right to make corrections. The arrow up down works flawlessly. Everything was so smooth I even tried the mouse!
Running on Demo Board.
Very nice touch with the "PLUG IN KEYBOARD" error checking.
Had to try it without keyboard, just plugged it in, no reset needed - nice!
Ohh! That makes more sense. I just got the SD card in the mail, so that's a whole different story. In the meantime, here's a version where you can navigate with all the arrow keys. Still working on insert mode.
Well done...
Just a comment: I see no revision history in the top object.
WP-4 is a different name than WP-3, but...
It would let everyone know quickly how far you have come to date.