Java resets propeller
I am writing a usb interface to the prop using java. However, when java opens the port on the propeller this causes the propeller to perform a hard reset. Any ideas on why that is?
So, you need to prevent the program from toggling the DTR line.
to keep our systems from resetting all the time.
The problem is caused by the FTDI chip, they swear the Rts output is exactly like a PC serial port but if you have ever looked at both signals
on a scope you will see that the FTDI chip puts out Rts pulses all the time, every time you plug in a another USB device and it puts out a
bunch of them.
There are some configuration variables for the chip that you can set from the PC side that will help with the resetting problem.
Go into, Computer, Properties, Hardware, Device Manager, Ports (Com & Lpt) then find the Usb Serial Port for the device.
Select that port then go into Port Settings, Advanced and un-check Serial Enumerator then check Disable modem Ctrl At Startup.
This will not effect the prop plug or Propeller tool operation.
If you really want to get creative you can edit there .Ini file.