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Understanding Signals with the PropScope - Chapter 3: Human Speed Measurements (Draft Copy) — Parallax Forums

Understanding Signals with the PropScope - Chapter 3: Human Speed Measurements (Draft Copy)

edited 2010-08-10 13:25 in Accessories
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Thanks to all our reviewers for their input!


  • edited 2010-07-27 05:18
    This post had an attachment that was damaged by forum migration.
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2010-07-28 14:57
    P. 82 top: "When the Horizontal knob is set too 200 ms, 500 ms, or 1 s/div, "

    Should be "When the Horizontal knob is set to 200 ms...".

    Lower: "The most recent measurements are drawn by the pen, and as you look further along the paper that passed

    underneath the it, you are looking at older and older measurements."

    "underneath the it"? How about just "underneath it"?


    P. 83 : "What if you want to check the voltage of the pot’s W terminal once every second. While..."

    The question needs a question mark.

    P. 88: "What happens to the average voltage if the P14 signal is high less than half the time."

    Another missing question mark.


    P. 96 - In the box pointing out that period and frequency are reciprocals, you have

    f = 1 ÷ T and T = 1 ÷ f

    That's correct, but it feels odd to see them written with that "divided by" sign, rather than

    f = 1/T and T = 1/f

    I think it's far more typical to represent reciprocals with the "/" character.


    P. 98 "The DAC CARD’s 1 to 4 inputs, will be displayed as logic analyzer channels 1 through 4."

    The comma does not belong there.


    P. 99 In the box you have "Other features include: an input that can be used to trigger measurements, a signal generator that can transmit a variety of signals, a video generator signal output, and a 4-chanel logic analyzer input".

    The period at the end of that sentence is missing.

    Later: Example Program: PushuttonControlOfTwoLeds.bs2

    Should of course be "PushbuttonControlOfTwoLeds.bs2".

    P. 108 - there's a list of check items under "The frequency adjustment is also simple."

    I think that should end with a colon rather than a period.

    The second item (the long one) needs a period at the end.

    The third item needs a question mark at the end.

    P. 112: "However, that’s not the “right” measurement for a heart rate."

    Why the scare quotes around "right"? It's not the right measurement for a heart rate. It should read simply

    "However, that’s not the right measurement for a heart rate."

    ·A little lower: "This value along with the fact that frequency is the reciprocal if period (f = 1/T)"

    Should be "the fact that frequency is the reciprocal OF period".

    P. 113: "The Δ measurement is pronounced delta and is shorthand for the time difference Δt “delta-t” between the vertical cursor lines."

    Here there SHOULD be quotation marks around the word "delta" (as in " pronounced "delta" and is shorthand...").

    Post Edited (sylvie369) : 7/28/2010 3:22:35 PM GMT
  • edited 2010-07-28 19:52

    This is great material! Thank you. All has been duly noted and queued for the next edit. I should have the Chapter 5 draft up tonight. After that, I'll be taking a 1 week break, and will resume posting chapters 6-9 starting either Thursday, 8/5 or Friday, 8/6.


    Andy Lindsay

    Education Department
    Parallax, Inc.
  • John AbshierJohn Abshier Posts: 1,116
    edited 2010-08-08 08:00
    I did activity one, left Proscope v1.0.8 running, powered off Propeller PDB and set it up for activity 2. Voltages were reading -5.xx with the CLIPPED message. Closing PropScope and restarting it solved the problem.

    John Abshier
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2010-08-08 08:03
    I also sometimes get the negative voltage readings, when I've stopped the scope and tried to restart it. Just now I had that problem, and after getting an error message saying the scope could not be found, I clicked "Run" again, and this time it worked.
  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2010-08-08 16:51
    Pausing/resuming PropScope in datalogger mode is fixed in v1.09
  • Jay B. HarlowJay B. Harlow Posts: 79
    edited 2010-08-08 18:03
    Hanno wrote: »
    Pausing/resuming PropScope in datalogger mode is fixed in v1.09

    Just out of curiousity:

    How do you use the "datalogger mode"?

    Hmm... 1.09, I'm on 1.08...

  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2010-08-10 13:25
    Like most expensive/fancy scopes, PropScope supports 2 modes:
    - When the timescale is set to fast rates, like 1ms/div it captures 2 full screens of data and then displays the whole trace at once. It repeats this very quickly.
    - When the timescale is set to slow rates (human speed), like 1sec/div it continually scrolls new measurements into the display, from right to left. Similar to a "heart monitor". This lets you see data as it's coming in- not 20 seconds after the fact.
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