Propeller basics (use multiple cogs to run processes). need a little help with
hey, its been a long time since ive been here. i just started a new job and now have an opertunitie to learn the propeller!
i just purchased a propeller chip and professional board. ive been reading through the manual and im currently doing the project on page 124 where they are able to create an array of output objects {LED[noparse][[/noparse]6] : "Output"} and launch a method in multiple cogs {LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(18, 600_000, 300)}.
ok so i did it their way and it worked great, but during the whole time ive been playing with their example, i have also been making my own little program (which is very similar to what im learning) that has a little more intricacy.
Description: this is a type of led sequence, using 4 cogs to control the output state of 4 consecutive pins {0, 1, 2, 3, <or> 3, 2, 1, 0}. you can set the delay between pinstate changes, the number of times the loop will execute, what direction the sequence is moving, and if the outputs stay high or flip back off after the next output goes high
{eg. Trail = true: 1,0,0,0, > 1,1,0,0, > 1,1,1,0, > 1,1,1,1, > trail = falese: 1,0,0,0, > 0,1,0,0, > 0,0,1,0, > 0,0,0,1,}
this is my "sequence control" method call: LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(Pin, Count, Delay, Trail, Direction)
I would like to call the start method 4 times and load it into 4 cogs, then as those methods finish i would like to run them again but with different parameters (same pin of course!)
but every time the program loads, some of the outputs start acting weird. as if pins from one method can randomly override pins from another method. sometimes even whole processes stops (randomly in one, some or even all cogs depending on the values i set in sequence control..).
im not sure what i should be looking for, i tried changing a lot of things and re-reading some of the manual, but i really need some help
can anyone see whats wrong?
The above will run one sequence on pins [noparse][[/noparse]0..3] [noparse][[/noparse]4..7] [noparse][[/noparse]8..11] and [noparse][[/noparse]12..15] they should all start running at once (and if delay and count are the same (as they are above) they should all end at pretty much the same time as well). the above works only sometimes and other times it crashes.
But now i also would like to add more sequences so that when the first four processes are finished, they have something else to do (like in the example below).
oh and by the way, this instantly locks up..
thanks for any help!!

Post Edited (laser-vector) : 7/26/2010 5:49:23 AM GMT

ok so i did it their way and it worked great, but during the whole time ive been playing with their example, i have also been making my own little program (which is very similar to what im learning) that has a little more intricacy.
Description: this is a type of led sequence, using 4 cogs to control the output state of 4 consecutive pins {0, 1, 2, 3, <or> 3, 2, 1, 0}. you can set the delay between pinstate changes, the number of times the loop will execute, what direction the sequence is moving, and if the outputs stay high or flip back off after the next output goes high
{eg. Trail = true: 1,0,0,0, > 1,1,0,0, > 1,1,1,0, > 1,1,1,1, > trail = falese: 1,0,0,0, > 0,1,0,0, > 0,0,1,0, > 0,0,0,1,}
this is my "sequence control" method call: LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(Pin, Count, Delay, Trail, Direction)
I would like to call the start method 4 times and load it into 4 cogs, then as those methods finish i would like to run them again but with different parameters (same pin of course!)
but every time the program loads, some of the outputs start acting weird. as if pins from one method can randomly override pins from another method. sometimes even whole processes stops (randomly in one, some or even all cogs depending on the values i set in sequence control..).
im not sure what i should be looking for, i tried changing a lot of things and re-reading some of the manual, but i really need some help
can anyone see whats wrong?
{----------------------------------------------object.spin----------------------------------------------} CON MAXLEDS = 4 OBJ LED : "Output" PUB Main {Toggle pins at different rates, simultaneously} dira[noparse][[/noparse]0..15]~~ LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(0, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 1) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(4, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 1) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(8, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 0) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(12, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 0) repeat PUB NextObject : Index repeat repeat Index from 0 to MAXLEDS-1 if not LED[noparse][[/noparse]Index].Active quit while Index == MAXLEDS {----------------------------------------------Output.spin----------------------------------------------} VAR long Stack[noparse][[/noparse]9] byte Cog PUB Start(pin, count, delay, trail, direction): Success Stop Success := (Cog := cognew(Toggle(pin, count, delay, trail, direction), @Stack) + 1) PUB Stop if Cog cogstop(Cog~ - 1) PUB Active: YesNo YesNo := Cog > 0 PUB Toggle(pin, count, delay, trail, direction) dira[noparse][[/noparse]pin]~~ dira[noparse][[/noparse]pin+1]~~ dira[noparse][[/noparse]pin+2]~~ dira[noparse][[/noparse]pin+3]~~' repeat if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+0] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+3] waitcnt(delay + cnt) if trail < 1 if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+0] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+3] {---------------------} if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+1] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+2] waitcnt(delay + cnt) if trail < 1 if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+1] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+2] {---------------------} if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+2] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+1] waitcnt(delay + cnt) if trail < 1 if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+2] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+1] {---------------------} if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+3] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin] waitcnt(delay + cnt) if trail < 1 if direction > 0 !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+3] else !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin+0] while Count := --Count #> -1 cog~ {----------------------}
The above will run one sequence on pins [noparse][[/noparse]0..3] [noparse][[/noparse]4..7] [noparse][[/noparse]8..11] and [noparse][[/noparse]12..15] they should all start running at once (and if delay and count are the same (as they are above) they should all end at pretty much the same time as well). the above works only sometimes and other times it crashes.
But now i also would like to add more sequences so that when the first four processes are finished, they have something else to do (like in the example below).
oh and by the way, this instantly locks up..
{----------------------------------------------object.spin----------------------------------------------} CON MAXLEDS = 4 OBJ LED : "Output" PUB Main {Toggle pins at different rates, simultaneously} dira[noparse][[/noparse]0..15]~~ LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(0, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 1) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(4, 100, 1_000_000, 1, 1) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(8, 100, 1_000_000, 1, 0) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(12, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 0) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(0, 100, 1_000_000, 1, 1) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(4, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 0) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(8, 50, 2_000_000, 0, 1) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(12, 100, 1_000_000, 1, 0) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(0, 50, 1_000_000, 0, 0) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(4, 25, 2_000_000, 0, 1) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(8, 25, 2_000_000, 0, 0) LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(12, 50, 1_000_000, 1, 1) repeat PUB NextObject : Index repeat repeat Index from 0 to MAXLEDS-1 if not LED[noparse][[/noparse]Index].Active quit while Index == MAXLEDS
thanks for any help!!

Post Edited (laser-vector) : 7/26/2010 5:49:23 AM GMT
In my test case with MAXLEDS set to 2 (demoboard) I need at least 11 longs stack for proper functionality.
it doesnt seem to change anything..
This gives me 3 sequences on the LED bar (single LED and a worm). They change direction and/or are swapped around. Then output stops (as there is no repeat for this functional block). So it does what it says on the tin.
Maybe take a few steps back. Start with MAXLEDS = 1 (single pin group) and see if the sequence stays in the relevant pin group. Then increase MAXLEDS etc.
thanks for taking a closer look at this, i kept reading through the manual and have realized a few mistakes i was making. i think the problem i was experiencing was when one object finished and another would start, that new object may have been controlling io's that another object was currently using (causing major conflicts...)
as i said, it worked sometimes, i think it was because certain timing sequences got "lucky" and started just after a conflicting process had just stopped.. but im not sure if that was the case.
however i have moved on a little from this and feel i have a little better of an understanding of whats going on internally. in fact im already doing graphics through VGA [noparse]:D[/noparse]
so im a little excited to keep going, it seems that with these propellers, whenever i dont understand something ill take a step back, read a little about it, download some stuff from the exchange and wham! it hits me, "oh thats how you do it!!" scenario lol.
so far all i can say is these things are amazing