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Multiple Prop Projects



  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2010-08-03 15:27

    It looks like your stack array isn't initiallized to be large enough.· "[noparse][[/noparse]index * 10]" when index is 15 will be 150 but your stack is only 60 longs.

    It would be a lot easier to read and quote your code it you use the "#" insert formatted code tool.

    If I understand what you code is doing, you're flashing LEDs based on how long a button is pressed, right?

    I'm very interested in multi Prop communication.· Thanks for posting.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-03 16:13

    Thanks for posting! Until you get that web site up and running, you can post here and in Parallax Forums, and/or start your own project thread. We are very interested in your multiple propellers work. Actually, very few people are working on the multi-prop software side of things, and presenting code looks like a highly useful endeavor.

  • DestructinatorDestructinator Posts: 34
    edited 2010-08-04 04:00
    My new website is It is still under construction and the FTP is freaking out, but it exists now. I will try to upload my projects to it for you all to see and comment on. Im sure there are many interesting comments waiting to be writ on my research and work, limited though it may be. Well enjoy for now while I get everything running properly. It should be fully functional in a day or 2. Tops of 3 days.

    "Reach into a pocketful of dreams, now before they fall out of the seams" - Billy Talent, Pocketful of Dreams
  • laser-vectorlaser-vector Posts: 118
    edited 2010-08-04 06:11
    I am currently working on a project that will (hopefully) utilize two props to establish a wireless data link over a long distance.

    we just received funding to develop on a concept that we have already proven viable for use.

    from an orbiting satellite on earth > data stream is inputted to propeller1 > [noparse][[/noparse]propeller1 converts data via pseudo random frequency modulation] > propeller1 data is output to a pulsed laser diode > laser diode is shined into a pulsed xray source as photo catalyst (photo electrons create xray photons..) > pulsed xray beam (or data stream) is aimed at mars (note: xrays have very low divergence, thus not much power is needed to create a nice focused spot over long distances) > from an orbiting satellite on mars propeller2 receives signal > [noparse][[/noparse]propeller2 demodulates pseudo random code] > propeller2 sends data to larger RF equipment on the satellite that is then broadcast to ground equipment... and vise versa

    this is only a concept and i highly doubt the propeller is rated for flight. however we do currently have a sounding rocket mission that these xray sources will be flown in. Black Brant sounding rockets are estimated to fly to an altitude of 400 - 500km with a hang time above the atmosphere of ~6 minutes.
    if i can get this project off the ground, then the propeller might just be going into space..

    i like to joke with the guys in the lab "you know, this may be the only propeller that i know of that would actually work in space!" lol smile.gif

    Post Edited (laser-vector) : 8/4/2010 6:25:47 AM GMT
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-04 08:57
    The list is now updated to reflect a new category,

    Designs, Works in Progress, Intellectual Planning

    This relocates those projects which are not actually built
    and keeps them in their own category.

    Keep track of your projects and when completed, post a reminder
    here to initiate an update.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-05 07:33
    Added several new projects including Obrien's Special Purpose Parallel Processor Using Multiple Parallax Propeller 8 Core Symmetric Controllers.
  • electricsmithelectricsmith Posts: 20
    edited 2010-08-05 11:09
    Regarding multiple props, I've got two props hardwired onto a PCB with two lines connected between each with no pull up or down resistors built in.· I'm having trouble finding a low cog use method for exchanging longs between these two.· It may help to add some link to available interprop comms and their associated hardware requirements.· Some methods are for maximizing speed, others for minimal hardware, or minimal cog use, all with different tradeoffs.· Any experience you have or advice on two prop comm objects, would be great.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-05 14:00
    Electricsmith said...
    Regarding multiple props, I've got two props hardwired onto a PCB with two lines connected between each with no pull up or down resistors built in.

    I'm having trouble finding a low cog use method for exchanging longs between these two. It may help to add some link to available interprop comms and their associated hardware requirements.

    Some methods are for maximizing speed, others for minimal hardware, or minimal cog use, all with different tradeoffs.

    Any experience you have or advice on two prop comm objects, would be great.
    Electricsmith: You're exactly right. Read the new book, "Connecting & Programming Multiple Propellers." [noparse]:)[/noparse] Until we have it in our hands, there's numerous info to sift through in the forum posts. As you say, there are circuits for one wire, two wire, multiple wires, low speed, high speed, highest speed, half duplex, full duplex, and many variations upon a theme. Plus, the hardware needs software. The best idea may be to simply know your objective and ask any highly specific questions to the forum. Added your project to the list.

    I recall a one cog system in the OBEX. You may want to check. There are several threads on connecting two props. It looks like each person used a different method and software. Nothing is standardized because everyone has a different application.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-10 14:05
    Added Clock Loop's Dual Prop Big Boy, a 2 prop project with schematics and details. See forum thread. Aim is to load up two props with one USB connection. CL has made this a great success, though others provide some caveat.

    "The bottom post has V1.0 Schematic and Program. I made a program and schematic that shows a single propeller that can program 2 or more propeller chips at the same time on the same RX, TX, RESET, CLOCK lines. I structured it around the Locomotive 'BigBoy' because the parallel programming makes some redundancy possible. The propeller loader can be used to program propeller chips in parallel."

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-25 10:47
    Added a new category for 13 Props projects and the work of Yoichi Nagashima Shizuoka University.. and his Dodeca Propeller with 13 Propeller chips. We have two huge display systems that arrange 12 large-scale video monitors in SUAC. "Dodeca Propeller" was designed for this display system, so the output is 12 NTSC video lines. 12 display Propeller run the real-time...

    For more information see Nagashima's research paper, Parallel Processing System Design with "Propeller" Processor.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-25 11:03
    Be sure and post here to get your name on the list for your multiple props project. A number of people have projects but are too modest or busy to post. Let' hear from everyone with new projects using 2 or more Propeller chips.

    We are resourcing all projects with multiple props to advance the development of projects involving multiple props (clusters, super computing machines, special apps, learning systems..)

  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2010-08-25 13:29
    @ Humanoido writes
    Harley I have a design using two Props due to needing more than 32 I/Os and 8 cogs. The master Prop talks to another pcb with keypad and 7-segment + dp LEDs at one baud rate, and comm with 2nd Prop is at a higher rate. This is an attempt to replace some 55 TTL ICs; it is now down to about 18 ICs. (design only)

    A bit of a correction: Actually it is more than just 'design only'. I have a POE pcb which is (slowly) being debugged. The TTL section probably is working properly; the two Props and the external keypad/7-seg. LED display are working properly. Just verifying all the I/Os and the timing relationships is where the chore of the work is presently.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2010-08-25 13:44
    Why don't you replace that logic with a CPLD? You'll be able to simulate timing, etc. very easily, which should help.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-25 15:14
    Harley wrote: »
    A bit of a correction: Actually it is more than just 'design only'. I have a POE pcb which is (slowly) being debugged. The TTL section probably is working properly; the two Props and the external keypad/7-seg. LED display are working properly. Just verifying all the I/Os and the timing relationships is where the chore of the work is presently.
    Harley, congrats on advancing the project and thanks for updating it here. Your project status will be updated in a few moments. BTW, what is a POE? From the Propeller Education Kit?

  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2010-08-25 19:00
    When I originally submitted my info on the 2-Prop design, the pcb was being checked out. I suppose I just hadn't worded my input properly.
    Harley, congrats on advancing the project and thanks for updating it here. Your project status will be updated in a few moments. BTW, what is a POE? From the Propeller Education Kit?

    POE maybe is an older term for Proof of Etch; the checkout and debug of a 1st pcb of a build.

    When I graduated from Univ. of Colorado in '56 you had to take a transistor course from the Physics dept. Not how to design with transistors, but how they work in silicon. The instructor couldn't even explain how to bias a simple 1 transistor amplifier circuit as shown in the text book! And on my first job I had to design with transistors, not those hot tubes. An evening course through UCLA got me squared away nicely; got an A and a job offer. That was some instructor and unbelievable timing. Was teaching just about everything I needed for that or the next week at work. Now that was fun.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-25 21:26
    Harley wrote: »
    When I originally submitted my info on the 2-Prop design, the pcb was being checked out. I suppose I just hadn't worded my input properly.POE maybe is an older term for Proof of Etch; the checkout and debug of a 1st pcb of a build.

    When I graduated from Univ. of Colorado in '56 you had to take a transistor course from the Physics dept. Not how to design with transistors, but how they work in silicon. The instructor couldn't even explain how to bias a simple 1 transistor amplifier circuit as shown in the text book! And on my first job I had to design with transistors, not those hot tubes. An evening course through UCLA got me squared away nicely; got an A and a job offer. That was some instructor and unbelievable timing. Was teaching just about everything I needed for that or the next week at work. Now that was fun.
    Now that's a great story, and even more great is how you have kept current with technology since you graduated from Univ. of Colorado in 1956. That's one giant leap, going from vacuum tubes to transistors to props. And thanks for the real definition of POE. Even Google couldn't find it for me, but you had it all along! It's always a great honor to hear from you and learn about your projects.

  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2010-08-25 21:28
    I always thought it meant Power over Ethernet.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-25 21:38
    Leon wrote: »
    I always thought it meant Power over Ethernet.
    Leon, that's true, and I thought for sure you would say Perl Object Environment - there are over a hundred others given at this url:

    ****** POE Power-Over-Ethernet
    ***** POE Point of Entry
    ***** POE Peace On Earth
    ***** POE Ports of Entry
    ***** POE Point of Existence (game)
    ***** POE Portal of Evil (website)
    **** POE Place of Employment
    **** POE Process of Elimination
    **** POE Panel of Experts
    **** POE Port Of Embarkation
    **** POE Post Occupancy Evaluation (now Facility Performance Evaluation)
    **** POE Perl Object Environment
    **** POE Problem of Evil (theology)
    **** POE Principles of Engineering
    **** POE Polyolester (type of oil for A/C)
    **** POE Physician Order Entry
    **** POE Pipe Organ Encounter
    **** POE Provider Outreach and Education Advisory Group (US Medicare)
    **** POE Point of Embarkation
    **** POE Purity of Essence (Dr. Strangelove)
    **** POE Polyolefin Elastomer (polymer)
    **** POE Proofs of Entitlement (IBM)
    *** POE Piece of Eight (old English currency)
    *** POE Parallel Operating Environment (IBM)
    *** POE Point of Exposure
    *** POE Program Office Estimate
    *** POE Projected Operational Environment
    *** POE Plan of Exploration
    *** POE Probability of Exceedence
    *** POE point of ending
    *** POE Post Office Express
    ** POE Predict, Observe and Explain (science education)
    ** POE Privately Owned Enterprise
    ** POE Point of Essence
    ** POE Proof of Export
    ** POE Priority of Effort
    ** POE Posture of Engagement
    ** POE Precise Orbit Ephemerides
    ** POE Program of Execution
    ** POE protub
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-30 18:34
    Usually after this length of time there are numerous more people with multiple prop projects, but you'll need to come forward and let us know, so we can include you in the project list.


    Edit: I'm adding one more project with multiple props. There's one prop on each breadboard, and a breadboarded power supply. This accommodates more LEDs on ports and is easier to try out various interfaces, and test the distances of interface operation. I named the project, Dueling Breadboards.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-09-07 01:54
    Updated Obrien's 3-dimensional Hypercube, 8 props, 32 cores @ 4 per chip with included new link. Congratulations to Michael Obrien for Project of the Week award! Thanks to Leon for hosting.


    339 x 147 - 7K
  • DaveJensonDaveJenson Posts: 375
    edited 2010-09-09 13:30
    Just a terse description of my multi-prop project. (12 Props)

    I have a test station that uses 10 temperature sensor boards (each with it's own Prop) talking to a Master Controller that uses 2 Props. Prop1 does all the external world communications. Prop2 collects the data from the 10 sensor boards. All the inter-prop communication is Serial Tx/RX.
    Prop2 has no eeprom or crystal, it is loaded and clocked from Prop1 ala the Black Box project method.

    (BTW: all the links in the early posts are broken since the new forums code was implemented.)
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-09-09 22:27
    DaveJenson wrote: »
    Just a terse description of my multi-prop project. (12 Props)

    I have a test station that uses 10 temperature sensor boards (each with it's own Prop) talking to a Master Controller that uses 2 Props. Prop1 does all the external world communications. Prop2 collects the data from the 10 sensor boards. All the inter-prop communication is Serial Tx/RX.
    Prop2 has no eeprom or crystal, it is loaded and clocked from Prop1 ala the Black Box project method.

    (BTW: all the links in the early posts are broken since the new forums code was implemented.)
    Hi DaveJenson, very interesting project! Added to the list. Do you have a web site showing the project or some photos you could post here? Thanks.

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,787
    edited 2010-09-10 06:31
    Just a hint: the old forum is still available, but the URI must be changed from "" to ""
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-09-10 23:40
    ErNa wrote: »
    Just a hint: the old forum is still available, but the URI must be changed from "" to ""
    ErNa, thanks, but his provided link was to the Black Box which is not his project. Plus, the BB is already documented. I think the real problem with the old forum is the pictures don't show up completely. It must be challenging to solve, as the anomaly is still there.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-04 18:57
    Added Jack Buffington's project in the works in progress section until he can actually reveal it.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-04 19:04
    Added a section for non disclosure agreements, so individuals under NDAs can give a project overview without revealing too much. It is believed these individuals have knowledge specific to "similar" projects, can answer questions and provide vital information, and are thus included in the list.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-11-05 09:18
    Added Clock Loop's fantastic 28 prop system hand wired on a large breadboard! This is currently the largest prop system on a single breadboard. Output is displayed with various color LEDs. Clock Loop says he tested it and it works "pretty well." We are currently waiting for updated software and a schematic.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-12-12 21:19
    Added two new "over 40 props" projects, by Clock Loop and O'brien. O'Brien has posted a photo showing over 60 props being wired on breadboards and Clock Loop has a posting coming up with over 40 props. Neither person is saying exactly how many props are used, at this time. For more details stay tuned to the first post in this thread where information will be updated.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-12-12 23:23
    Added Mikediv's Quasi-Prop Tower.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-12-16 20:51
    Added a 55 Propeller machine by Clock Loop. 1 master and 54 slaves. Refer to the first post in this thread for links and more information.
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