57,600 Baud Spin Serial Routines

I've been looking at the spinbytes generated by the Spin compiler, and I was surprised by the amount of hub RAM access that occurs.· A simple operation in Spin can generate a lot of stack activity.· With a better understanding of how Spn bytecodes work I was able to implement Spin routines that can transmit and receive at 57,600 baud.· These routines are only half-duplex, and there is a significant amount of time between each character transmission.· The actual data throughput would be less than half of the full-rate, but these routines are able to talk to a terminal set at 57,600 baud.
Please excuse me if somebody has already posted something like this.· I constantly find that things that are new to me were already discussed 2 or 3 years ago.· A sample program is attached below.
Please excuse me if somebody has already posted something like this.· I constantly find that things that are new to me were already discussed 2 or 3 years ago.· A sample program is attached below.
