What is the fastest baud rate availible in FullDuplexSerial?
What is the fastest baud rate you can set it for? I would like a max of 1M, but if it can go higher that would be nice.
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Check out my new website!!
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Each prop was about 4 inches from eachother.
I was required to use a 10k pull down resistors to quiet the noise on the tx/rx wires, to just get that.
I was also using solid core wire.
If I had a prop to prop PCB setup, using 10k pull down resistors and shorter wires, I would imagine the speed would increase.
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Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
That I got up to ~460000 using JDcogserial from OBEX...
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I had plenty of IO lines available and started to investigate the FTDI UM245 breakout board. I am able to get much more speed out of it than the prop plug. I wrote the FullDuplexParallel Object for use with the FTDI 245 chip. I think that 3Mbps is doable with that combination. I have measured over 1Mbps throughput without any errors.
PS: The Parallel FIFO is presented as a virtual com port on the PC side, so there is no reason to rewrite anything on that side.
-- Terry
Post Edited (ke4pjw) : 7/22/2010 4:11:09 PM GMT
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Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
My best FullDuplexSerial was 125K but that was PC to the Propeller Demo board.
Post Edited (Mike G) : 7/23/2010 2:05:49 AM GMT