PropHex- Omni directional, Propeller controlled Hexapod
Hey everyone,
Here are a couple of pictures of my omni-directional, Propeller controlled Hexapod. The body is a slight modification of Lynxmotion's AH3-R design. The electronics consist of two propeller servo controllers using the object by Austin Bowen and a USB, Propeller proto board that I received at the UPEC, and the Ping))) uses the object written by Chris Savage & Jeff Martin (Thanks!). The program is completely home brewed and is basically a port of a hexapod walking program that I created for an earlier hexapod that used a BS2sx. The program allows the robot to travel in any direction and avoid things by looking left and right until it sees an opening. The demo video has the robot using a basic obstacle avoidance program where the robot is always walking in the direction that it's "head" is looking. Notice that the body itself never turns. The robot is a work in progress and I'm hoping to bring it to the UPENE. Anyhow, let me know what you think. Thanks!
in the "woods"

Children attacking

My wife is very, very understanding
Here are a couple of pictures of my omni-directional, Propeller controlled Hexapod. The body is a slight modification of Lynxmotion's AH3-R design. The electronics consist of two propeller servo controllers using the object by Austin Bowen and a USB, Propeller proto board that I received at the UPEC, and the Ping))) uses the object written by Chris Savage & Jeff Martin (Thanks!). The program is completely home brewed and is basically a port of a hexapod walking program that I created for an earlier hexapod that used a BS2sx. The program allows the robot to travel in any direction and avoid things by looking left and right until it sees an opening. The demo video has the robot using a basic obstacle avoidance program where the robot is always walking in the direction that it's "head" is looking. Notice that the body itself never turns. The robot is a work in progress and I'm hoping to bring it to the UPENE. Anyhow, let me know what you think. Thanks!
in the "woods"

Children attacking

My wife is very, very understanding
···································Fix it, if it ain't broke!
D Rat
Dave Ratcliff N6YEE
For me, the past is not over yet.
" I'm hoping to bring it to the UPENE." Please do so.
Really like the opposable ping))
Thanks for the encouragement, it's always fun to show people!
The robot isn't really related to the entomology work that I'm currently doing, but I've been drawing on my experience with insect behavior for a lot of the programing/rule structure within the program. My real passion is swarm robotics so I'm hoping to finish up the last couple of things on this hexapod and then build another to start working on having them interact with each other and the environment.
My wife is very, very understanding