help with xbee
I'm having trouble setting my xbees (I use the xbee pro 900 xsc modules from sparkfun)to communicate with each other so I'm trying to narrow down the posiable reasons why.
Could somone check this code and tell me if I'm doing something wrong in my software and not my hardware?
All that I get out of my x-ctu terminal screen is: .ut.......
Could somone check this code and tell me if I'm doing something wrong in my software and not my hardware?
Con 'Pins xbeetx = 2 xbeerx = 3 signal = 19 _clkmode = XTAL1 + PLL16X _Xinfreq = 5_000_000 '80 MHz OBJ xbee: "Xbee_Object" Pub start |l led waitcnt(80_000_000+cnt) xbee.Start(3,2,0,9600) XBee.AT_Init waitcnt(80_000_000*5+cnt) led xbee.dec(9999) xbee.str(string("Hello!",13)) waitcnt(80_000_000+cnt) repeat led Pub led |hold hold:=cnt dira[noparse][[/noparse]signal]:=1 outa[noparse][[/noparse]signal]:=1 waitcnt(hold+8_000_000) !outa[noparse][[/noparse]signal]
All that I get out of my x-ctu terminal screen is: .ut.......
I have just tried your code with two xbee's type ·xb-24 and·it works ok.
Is the garbage correlated with transmissions from the other XBee? That is, does it start and stop as you start and stop the·transmitting XBee?
Can you communicate with each of the XBees through XCTU when they're directly connected to your computer?
What are your settings (MY, DL, PANID, etc.)?