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KARIM102KARIM102 Posts: 75
edited 2010-08-05 17:08 in Learn with BlocklyProp
dear all,
·i have problem and really i don't know wat is the wrong? i have· Vmusic.mp3. i use it with b2c mircontroller.. with i download the music in the flash momery....

i use this coding to run one music from baisc to speak throuhg vmusic, but it doesn't play...

SEROUT 0,84,[noparse][[/noparse]"VPF test.mp3",CR]·········· 'Play a file named "test.mp3"
but this command it does play but it let all music plays
SEROUT 0,84, [noparse][[/noparse]"V3A",CR]·················· 'Command to play all mp3 files.· It will play whatever file it first finds

·but it let all music plays

best reagrads



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-07-18 22:48
    The command you showed should work if "test.mp3" is on the flash memory. There may be something else wrong about your program.

    1) Try using the VMusic2 using some kind of PC interface so you can type in the commands and see the response of the VMusic2.

    2) Attach your whole program as a text file using the Attachment Manager that you get when you use the Post Reply button.

    I've used the VMusic2 before with both the Stamps and the Propeller. I did #1 first to understand how the various commands worked.
  • wes thierrywes thierry Posts: 9
    edited 2010-08-05 16:10
    Hi Mike,

    Ive been wanting to reflash my vmusic from the pc, but dont know how to wire it to a usb cable, and I cant seem to find a programming cable for it you have any info on this?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-08-05 16:32
    I've never used the "flash from PC" option. There are special versions of the firmware files on Vinculum's website that you only have to copy to a USB flash drive and rename the file to a specific name. The next time you start up the VMusic with the USB flash drive in place, it will automatically install the firmware. I don't have my own information on this handy at present, but I think there's enough information on the firmware downloads page on Vinculum's website.
  • wes thierrywes thierry Posts: 9
    edited 2010-08-05 17:08
    Mike Green said...
    I've never used the "flash from PC" option. There are special versions of the firmware files on Vinculum's website that you only have to copy to a USB flash drive and rename the file to a specific name. The next time you start up the VMusic with the USB flash drive in place, it will automatically install the firmware. I don't have my own information on this handy at present, but I think there's enough information on the firmware downloads page on Vinculum's website.

    thanks, its working now, found an old 32 meg flash drive, and it was up and running no problem
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