Temperature sensor recommendation?
Any recommendations for a good temperature sensor to interface with the prop?
My first thought was to use a DS1620 which I used in a few projects many years ago, but I see a thread or two here about accuracy problems. This seems to correlate with my memories of my previous DS1620 projects that always seemed to read hotter than it really was (at the time I blamed it on proximity to voltage regulators or other heat-generating devices). I'm looking for something to measure ordinary ambient room temperature. I see there are a couple of OBEX objects for the DS1620 already, which is some indication other people have been using it. Just looking for opinions on whether or not there's something more accurate out there before I start prototyping up another DS1620-based design.
My first thought was to use a DS1620 which I used in a few projects many years ago, but I see a thread or two here about accuracy problems. This seems to correlate with my memories of my previous DS1620 projects that always seemed to read hotter than it really was (at the time I blamed it on proximity to voltage regulators or other heat-generating devices). I'm looking for something to measure ordinary ambient room temperature. I see there are a couple of OBEX objects for the DS1620 already, which is some indication other people have been using it. Just looking for opinions on whether or not there's something more accurate out there before I start prototyping up another DS1620-based design.
I think the link below will lead you to the object in OBEX that drives it, though it doesn't state it explicitly in the OBEX description, so read the download. The version linked below will not handle negative temperatures, however, so if you need negatives, let me know and I can post the fix for that.
I also have code for changing the resolution so the sensor will run a little faster but maybe less accurately, if you need it.
Don't discount using an ADC and your own sensor, like the lm235z which can be calibrated. The mcp9800 is not bad, but doesn't boast any better specs than the 1620.
On checking accuracy with temp sensors, who is to say what is right? Who sets the gold standard? If you don't have a calibrated instrument, I have my doubts you can rely on any better than +-0.5C in an inexpensive off the shelf unit.
my site with more details on my module with the SHT11:
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
PowerTwig Dual Output Power Supply Module
My Prop projects: Reverse Geo-Cache Box, Custom Metronome, Micro Plunge Logger
I like to use this one a lot because the propellers counters make good use of it. It outputs a frequency comparable to temperature that a propeller pin can read easily. You just need one current limiter between it and the prop for the tmp04 or one pull up to 3.3 volts for the open drain tmp03 version.
Comes in a handy TO-92 flavor or smd.
It's accuraccy is good for most projects, but those mentioned earlier in this thread(especially the sht models) are better when you need more precision.