Overclocking - is it possible
I've had mixed results overclocking AVR. On the ATMega168, for example, it's possible to get NTSC by overclocking the chip at a frequency divisible by the NTSC frequency (I think it was 26Mhz or something like that - can't remember off the top of my head). The point is that you could overclock the AVR and as long as you didn't drive it too fast you could get some improvement in execution speed. Is this possible with the propeller? And is it even advisable?
Yes it is possible, see:
James Ronald
My Robots
I only mentioned NTSC as an example of why I needed to overclock the AVR, which is why prop > AVR [noparse]:)[/noparse]. I don't really have a need, at this point, to overclock the prop, but I would like to know if the option is available which it sounds like it is.
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8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
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Safety Tip: Life is as good as YOU think it is!
25% speed increase is not too shabby. I'll have to order some 6.25Mhz xtals.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
Wondering how to set tile colors in the graphics_demo.spin?
Safety Tip: Life is as good as YOU think it is!
However, not every pcb will run overclocked, at least to this extend, because special layout and decoupling is required. There is a few threads that discuss this. The DIP chip appears to run better at overclocking than the QFP chip. I am not sure why as I am sure it is not heat. By increasing the voltage Coley achieved the highest frequency by using a signal generator.
So 100MHz = 25%, 104MHz = 30%, 108MHz = 35%, 120MHz = 50%. Not bad hey.
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My cruising website is: ·www.bluemagic.biz·· MultiBlade Props: www.cluso.bluemagic.biz
I supply RamBlades with 104MHz (6.5MHz x16) and include an untested 108MHz (13.5MHz x8).
For USB you require 96MHz (6MHz x16).
However, when overclocking, it is very specific to your pcb layout and decoupling. There are a number of threads where this is discussed.
PPLA is a Propeller based logic analyzer that samples at 10ns intervals.
Click here for the PPLA Hackaday.com article.
There was a wire that must have got pulled loose before I finished the circuit.
IIRC, I even managed 108mhz from a crystal pulled from a VGA card. Can't speak for stability, but it did work. The only reason my boards run at 80mhz is to abide by the "official' standard.
Yes I am aware that it is possible to overclock stably to up to 120MHz, My surprise comes in that I was running at 96Mhz with one of the VDD connections NOT connected, for over 5 hours, while some have reported frying the PLL doing the same at 80MHz for a couple of minutes.