*** Propeller [C3] Demo Coders Needed!!! ***

I have been working on a new project in collaboration with Parallax (Ken Gracey and I have been talking about this for a year!) called the "Prop C3" - "Credit Card Sized Computer". It's basically a Propeller chip surrounded by a lot of extra memory, logic, IO, etc. Very slick product. The prototype is complete, working, and I am getting ready to start software development for it. This product is very compatible with the Demo boards, HYDRA, etc. So most things will port with a few IO pin changes, but the real power of the device will be when you take advantage of the various extra memory features and capabilities on the board.
I am looking for a few really awesome coders that have done a lot of Propeller work and are interested in getting early prototypes to develop cool apps and port things. Basically, the idea is when the product comes out, we will have 90% of all the demo, proto, HYDRA stuff all ported, working, plus some really cool demos and apps that only the C3 can support.
The details and features of the board I will disclose privately for now -- its a surprise, so don't want to let the cat out of the bag too early [noparse]:)[/noparse]
If you're interested and have time to work on it please PM me or email me at ceo@nurve.net -- this is a Parallax project, we (Nurve Networks) are developing the product, but Parallax will manufacture and market FYI. The prototypes are quite expensive, hand built, so only those that are serious please [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Nurve Networks LLC
I am looking for a few really awesome coders that have done a lot of Propeller work and are interested in getting early prototypes to develop cool apps and port things. Basically, the idea is when the product comes out, we will have 90% of all the demo, proto, HYDRA stuff all ported, working, plus some really cool demos and apps that only the C3 can support.
The details and features of the board I will disclose privately for now -- its a surprise, so don't want to let the cat out of the bag too early [noparse]:)[/noparse]
If you're interested and have time to work on it please PM me or email me at ceo@nurve.net -- this is a Parallax project, we (Nurve Networks) are developing the product, but Parallax will manufacture and market FYI. The prototypes are quite expensive, hand built, so only those that are serious please [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Nurve Networks LLC
Sounds like a great product! It sounds like a cross between Cluso99's RamBlade and the Dracblade (I am sure that is a gross over-simplification though). It sounds much more SBC-like (Beagle/Rabbit) than an Arduino.
Cluso99, Dr_Acula, pullmoll, and Baggers have put significant work into "retro computer" emulation, so I would think if you could get one or more of them interested/on board porting their retro code to the C3 you would have some very compelling apps that use extra RAM/SD. [noparse][[/noparse]Edit:] I am not recommending these as an OS for the board, but as apps. If you aren't already developing an RTOS for the board, the newer spinix or sphinx OS might be good targets to either port, or have their creators port to the C3.
Emulators: CPUs Z80 8080 6809 6502; Micros Altair ZX81 Atari (List Maintained by Cluso99)
TRS-80 emulation - (pullmoll)
Nascom Z80 System - (pullmoll)
Colour Genie EG2000 Emulation (Crazy Paint Game) - (pullmoll)
Spectrum Emulator - (Baggers)
Tangerine Microtan 65 - 6502 - (pullmoll)
Visit the Propeller Powered SIG·fourm kindly hosted at Savage Circuits
Game(s) Mythic Flight
Utilities Font Editors (AIGeneric, Potato_Text, etc.)
Post Edited (trodoss) : 7/15/2010 3:24:24 PM GMT