gps module PMB-688 not working
I have GPS module PMB-688 , before connecting to propeller chip, I decided to check it, so I connected RS-232 ( serial) module, I connected TX ping ot GPS module to TX pin of rs-232 module and RX pin of gps to RX pin of RS-232 module, I did connected vcc and gnd pin to 5v power supply, after powering up red led blinked and then became solid red, other end of RS-232 module I connected to linux host through a cable ( to see if I am receiving any character), on linux I used minicom to connect to gps module, I do not see any output from GPS module, do I have to send any string to see any output from GPS module, I also wrote a c program to send following string
before sending above string I calculated correct checksum, but I see no output from GPS, do I have to send any another string so that GPS module starts sending NEMA sentences...?
I have GPS module PMB-688 , before connecting to propeller chip, I decided to check it, so I connected RS-232 ( serial) module, I connected TX ping ot GPS module to TX pin of rs-232 module and RX pin of gps to RX pin of RS-232 module, I did connected vcc and gnd pin to 5v power supply, after powering up red led blinked and then became solid red, other end of RS-232 module I connected to linux host through a cable ( to see if I am receiving any character), on linux I used minicom to connect to gps module, I do not see any output from GPS module, do I have to send any string to see any output from GPS module, I also wrote a c program to send following string
before sending above string I calculated correct checksum, but I see no output from GPS, do I have to send any another string so that GPS module starts sending NEMA sentences...?
Perhaps TX and RX are reversed on your RS-232 module? Happens a lot. Remember to set up you receiver for 4800 asynchronous bps.
Disappointing.· Parallax will move mountains for some while others get·cipher.
yes I changed swapped TX and RX lines and it works.
So now tech support will get deluged with questions on programing the GPS for different outputs, I don't think they are ready for it. I'll just have to get some of the new ones and dive into it for myself.
PS This should be moved to the Sensor Forum
Post Edited (hover1) : 7/14/2010 7:22:15 PM GMT