playing wav file from sd card - part 2
Hello All,
I've been attempting to replace an EMIC with a SD card/WAV file combination.
Enclosed is the sample code where you can see my pin assignments.
But I don't know why I can't get the "BEEP.WAV" file to play.
I've tried all sorts of different outputs with the command:
wpl.start(sdBasePin, HeadphoneRightPin, HeadphoneLeftPin, @buff, bufferLen)
I'm not sure which pin should correspond with sdBasePin; I assumed it was pin 0.
The HeadphoneRightPin (and ...LeftPin) I've assigned to pin 7.
When I run the chip with this program, I can tell something is happening because there is a click sound
coming out of my speaker - but nothing resembling the file from the SD card.
I'd really appreciate any advice.
I've been attempting to replace an EMIC with a SD card/WAV file combination.
Enclosed is the sample code where you can see my pin assignments.
But I don't know why I can't get the "BEEP.WAV" file to play.
I've tried all sorts of different outputs with the command:
wpl.start(sdBasePin, HeadphoneRightPin, HeadphoneLeftPin, @buff, bufferLen)
I'm not sure which pin should correspond with sdBasePin; I assumed it was pin 0.
The HeadphoneRightPin (and ...LeftPin) I've assigned to pin 7.
When I run the chip with this program, I can tell something is happening because there is a click sound
coming out of my speaker - but nothing resembling the file from the SD card.
I'd really appreciate any advice.
' Example of waveplayer usage ' ' ' Propeller Pins SD card Pins ' 3.3v '     '     10k ' p0 ───────────┻─┼─┼─┼─────────── do ' p1 ─────────────┻─┼─┼─────────── clk ' p2 ───────────────┻─┼─────────── di ' p3 ─────────────────┻─────────── cs ' '───────────────────────────────────────────────── ' ' ' p7 ───────────[noparse][[/noparse]20 watt amplifier]───── + [noparse][[/noparse]speaker] - ─────┐ '  ' GND ' con _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 bufferLen = 800 obj ser : "FullDuplexSerial" wpl : "WavePlayerSdAccess" var byte buff[noparse][[/noparse]bufferLen] long stack[noparse][[/noparse]50] pub main | sdBasePin, HeadphoneRightPin, HeadphoneLeftPin ser.start(31,30,0,19200) sdBasePin := 0 HeadphoneRightPin := 15 HeadphoneLeftPin := 7 wpl.start(sdBasePin, HeadphoneRightPin, HeadphoneLeftPin, @buff, bufferLen) wpl.playwave(string("BEEP.WAV"))
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Without some more of your code, it's hard to tell..
Any chance you could Archive the project. (Under File in Propeller Tool) and attached it to this thread?
Drag in your BEEP.WAV for us too..
Propeller Feature Projects:
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
when you say mounted, do you mean are the SD card & reader communicating with the prop?
All I've test for is the connection (which works) by using SD_trainer.spin and PST.
Hello OBC,
attached is the archived spin file, the wav file beep.wav and a bin file that's included with the .wav file on the SD card.
Thanks and regards,
In your code, main calls wpl.start, which calls sd.mount. But if mount fails, the call will abort, returning a negative valued error code that can be very helpful to debug what's wrong. But your code is not capturing any value, or even checking that the mount succeeded.
So instead of calling
wpl.start(sdBasePin, HeadphoneRightPin, HeadphoneLeftPin, @buff, bufferLen)
you'd capture the return value using the abort trap
value := \wpl.start(sdBasePin, HeadphoneRightPin, HeadphoneLeftPin, @buff, bufferLen)
If "value" is negative then the code shouldn't try to play the WAV. Instead, you'd want to display the error code somehow, then use it's value to track down what the problem is.
I'm not saying that the mount is the problem, but it would be good to verify a successful mount as part of debugging this player.
In the code, how do I determine if the card has mounted?
I included the suggested code you posted and the value I'm displaying is 243 - any significance?
I finally got the file to play!!!!!
Attached is the working file - very simple.
The only problem is the noise in the background.
It sounds like a nice crackling fire in the background.
I've put capacitors of all sizes on but no success in diminishing the noise.
Any suggestions?
Yeah, it seems counter-intuitive but I can tell you it works. Our product has two 20W amps on it so we can hear the difference. Since using Chip's StereoDuty object requires yet another cog, you can help yourself by moving the cog that actually drives the pins to the top of the list (i.e., to cog #1; this helped, but didn't completely clear the noise). There's another thread running where I posted demo code that uses my WAV driver connected to Chip's StereoDuty driver.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 7/13/2010 6:40:09 AM GMT
The recent code you posted looks just like the original code. Do you know what you changed to make things work?
Tom Talbot
New Market, MD, USA
I'll try that out.
it's good to hear that. I'll look into Chip's object.
It should be fairly easy to force the StereoDuty object into cog 0: in your first method, cognew the main startup subroutine, then coginit the StereoDuty object into cog 0.
(as a side note, in the demo you posted in the other thread, I would recommend switching to the safe_spi.spin block driver from the FSRW 2.6 implementation. For the purposes of reading a WAV file you should not see any speed hit, and it is impervious to this same cog-vs-pin issue we are discussing.)
Piranha are people too.
(geek humor escalation => "There are 100 types of people: those who understand binary, and those who understand bit masks")
I boiled my earlier sample code to basic parts (for my understanding).
I've attached the latest, working code with the objects.
I assigned pin 15 to HeadphoneRightPin for the sake of expediency; pin 15 doesn't do anything.
And, here's a snippet of that code:
first time! (just had to say it once more