5" LCD display
I found this on Ebay. item 110553523733.· Does this look familiar to anyone?· The seller states he can't find any data on it but claims it is a serial display.· I am looking for a display around this size for my R/C submarine controller but if I can't determine how to talk to it the great price is meaningless!!
· Any help on this item or a pointer to a similar LCD that is serail would be great if you could help me out.· (I'm a Prop newbie!·
· )
Mike B.
· Any help on this item or a pointer to a similar LCD that is serail would be great if you could help me out.· (I'm a Prop newbie!·

Mike B.
Look on this datasheet.
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· For $14.00 this item looks good.· You think it is worth taking a chance on??· The· I/O connector is a 10 pin ribbon cable which should be fairly easy to slueth out for the connections.· The guy says if you buy one and make it work and share the info with hime he will send you 2 more units free of charge.
Mike B.
If he send 2 fre -- I can give them work --
BUT never as I buy one -- Not have direct usage of them
Nothing is impossible, there are only different degrees of difficulty.
For every stupid question there is at least one intelligent answer.
Don't guess - ask instead.
If you don't ask you won't know.
If your gonna construct something, make it·as simple as·possible yet as versatile as posible.
that display should be a 320x240 unit. In the datasheet is all the info you need to drive it, 4 bits data, M signal (maybe), frame, clock and most important bias voltage (it may be positive or negative... )
From the board:
- There are 5 connections form the LC7940 to the connector but the M signal may be routed on the other side. (M signal is not at all difficult to generate)
- Pins 91, 90, 89 are all connected to VDD, 89 is V3 that would mean that the bias voltage is negative. Some -20 V are then needed (I did not read that the controller specifically says negative bias !.. and up to 20 so maybe only -15 are needed).
- There are a group of bridges in the board... who know what they are for...
Look here for a dual-scan LCD with the propeller with similar interface: propeller.wikispaces.com/MonoLCD640
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