Propeller Robot Control Board
I am building a r/c hexapod with 18 leg servos, 1 head servo, 1 ping input and 4 rx input.
I tested the rx program with my education kit, it works nice with my spektrum DX5e radio.
When I load the program on the robot control board, it does not work anymore...
Does anybody have a suggestion about the cause ?
I am building a r/c hexapod with 18 leg servos, 1 head servo, 1 ping input and 4 rx input.
I tested the rx program with my education kit, it works nice with my spektrum DX5e radio.
When I load the program on the robot control board, it does not work anymore...
Does anybody have a suggestion about the cause ?
What kind of problems? Power, servo, receiver?
The RX actvates the servo that are dirctly connected...
but the robot control board does not recognize the pulses coming from the RX...
When connected directly to the pins (true a resistance) of the propeller (education kit) it works...
I guess this may be a question of voltage level of the pulses...
The propeller recognize "on" above 1.65V and "low" below...
I have no indication about the treshold level of I/O translators...
The RX actvates the servo that are dirctly connected...
but the robot control board does not recognize the pulses coming from the RX...
When connected directly to the pins (true a resistance) of the propeller (education kit) it works...
I guess this may be a question of voltage level of the pulses...
The propeller recognize "on" above 1.65V and "low" below...
I have no indication about the treshold level of I/O translators...
- the i/o translator, at 5V input, recognize "on" over 3.25V and "off" below 1.75V...
- the pulses of the RX are between 2.7V and 3.0V...
So, the propeller recognize the pulses (at 1.65V) when the RX is directly connected, but NOT thru the i/o translator ;-(
A solution would be to bypass the i/o translator, but then I would loose a bank of 8 servos; that's not appropiate for my project (I need 18+1)...
Conclusion: the Robot Control Board is not appropriate for my hexapod robot... I go back to my basic education kit ;-(
You will not loose the servos by disabling the translator. You would just run your servo signal line from the pads before the translator, with the inline resistor you were using on the Education kit, ( if you were using a resistor.) I know it's a little more wiring, but it can be done.
I read 65% of 5V...
Back to my education kit and resistors... that works!
look at this...
Keep It Simple and Stupid ;-)
using the USB propeller, a piece of veroboard and some resistors...