Ftdi um245

I just got the FTDI UM245 board working with a modification of FullDuplexSerialPlus. It seems to be able to transfer data many times faster from my PC than with the prop plug. (My guess is about 8 times faster [noparse];)[/noparse] ) I am able to send a huge amount of data to the prop at 1 megabit per second with 0 errors.
Would anyone be interested in a FullDuplexParallel object that works with the FTDI UM245? I think I can clean the code up and get the transmit working sometime in the next couple of weeks.
-- Terry
Post Edited (ke4pjw) : 7/11/2010 4:45:25 AM GMT
Would anyone be interested in a FullDuplexParallel object that works with the FTDI UM245? I think I can clean the code up and get the transmit working sometime in the next couple of weeks.
-- Terry
Post Edited (ke4pjw) : 7/11/2010 4:45:25 AM GMT
-- Terry