Prop+mosfet+ignition coil+spark gap+graphite+Xenon tube+quartz tube+neodymium m

Prop + mosfet + 12v dc sla battery + High performance ignition coil + spark plug wire + spark plug + graphite + Xenon tube +neodymium magnet+?
What else does this thing need?
Oh how could I forget, last but not least, a quartz tube from an infrared toaster oven. (it comes with two)
I have no idea how to assemble this, no idea what it does, and i have no idea if I have everything needed to accomplish whatever it is that I am doing.
Any advice would be helpful.
Post Edited (Clock Loop) : 7/9/2010 4:10:42 PM GMT
What else does this thing need?
Oh how could I forget, last but not least, a quartz tube from an infrared toaster oven. (it comes with two)
I have no idea how to assemble this, no idea what it does, and i have no idea if I have everything needed to accomplish whatever it is that I am doing.
Any advice would be helpful.
Post Edited (Clock Loop) : 7/9/2010 4:10:42 PM GMT
♫♪were gonna do what they say can't be done♯♫♪♯
Punt? I think having any kind of physical contact with this contraption is a bad idea, hence the prop controller + battery source.
Clearly what you need is a zinc sulfide screen. You came to the right place to ask your question.
"Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."
the rabbit: "it depends on what you want to reach!"
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
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pPropellerSim - A propeller simulator for ASM development
Oh yea, don't forget the goggles with protection filters.
I was thinking "opto isolation", and doing power for the prop with a 9v.
This is teh kinda juice I need, tell me more!
Well we DO have enough to gas discharge... from a far even.
HV radio suppression cables are nice to use.
But they have a high resistance 18K +.
The core of the cable is fiber like, you don't find solid core wire in the center of these wires. It is carbon graphite core.
Post Edited (Clock Loop) : 7/10/2010 9:19:53 AM GMT
By the time its done, this thread might be known as the prop turbo encabulator thread.
I was once shocked by a car coil through my hand, my forearm and out my elbow. Perhaps 30kv dc. I was able to pull away, but the initial shock blacked me out. I was standing and didn't fall down. I blacked out for a second or so.
I was using the one hand in pocket rule. And because of it I lived, no voltage across my heart. However I was standing on concrete.
The charge was generated from a battery-coil in the car tho, so the charge went out my elbow into the car frame, not out my feet.
It had to return to its source.
To this day, I don't understand why an earth ground is a good idea. (except for lightning) Tying "neutral" to earth ground was humanity's biggest blunder.
So this makes earth and everything attached to it the 2nd half of the MAINS power supply return.
We shouldn't even include our homes, our land, anything in that loop.
All the more reason to have a power transformer in your home. Then the only thing to beat is static electricity, and we all know how easily that is dealt with.
Post Edited (Clock Loop) : 7/10/2010 10:55:13 AM GMT
Seriously, dude,
anytime you start running tens of thousands of volts through vacuum(ish) tubes, you have the potential for creating x-rays. And dorking around an active x-ray machine, even if it's producing only low-energy rays, can make a mess of your DNA after a while.
If you doubt it, read this.
I might also add that some xenon tubes can produce lots of UV rays since xenon has strong emission bands in the UV. And UV can damage your skin and lead to skin cancer, not to mention cooking your corneas. Since you haven't really specified what you're making or why, you have to expect forum members are going to issue lots of warnings. So far all you've done is make a proclamation equivalent to: "Hey, guys, I've got a a piece of flint, a piece of steel, five gallons of gasoline and a brand new pack of underwear. Whaddya think?"
Hmm, I wonder what you COULD make with that. Sounds like something pretty exciting.
Careful don't drive your car, it could ignite because it has a tank of gas and a spark device, actually it has a bunch of dangerous stuff.
Post Edited (Clock Loop) : 7/10/2010 3:59:54 PM GMT
Quicker answers in the #propeller chat channel on Don't know squat about IRC? Download Pigin! So easy a caveman could do it... - Donating some CPU/GPU downtime just might lead to a cure for cancer! My team stats.
Also, you might want a mosfet driver (TC4420, TC4429, etc) for the mosfet, and a good heak sink too.
It's called "Darwinism in Action."
I wouldn't get too worked up.
The original post was quite funny, I thought.
Of course I didn't take it all that seriously. And even if Clock Loop is completely serious, all he's likely to do is fry a few cheap parts and receive a jolt of adrenalin when it happens.
If shocks, pops, and tiny bursts of radiation were all that lethal, I would have died decades ago.
"Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."
Who said anything about lethality? Me, I was just thinking about what he might mutate into.
Post Edited (ElectricAye) : 7/11/2010 1:49:30 AM GMT
... or not.
you asked a very general question:
I have no idea how to assemble this, no idea what it does, and i have no idea if I have everything needed to accomplish whatever it is that I am doing.
The thread has taken a direction you don't like.
Now if you want the thread take a certain direction give some more SPECIFIC information which direction YOU would like to have it.
If you still want the postings to run free you may change to
It seems many here like to think in the very very far extreme, worst case scenario, and then RUN with it.
Most of the objects I mentioned would turn into a melted flaming file of goo by the time anything gets even close to any long term exposure.
The transformer would overheat from constant output, so would the wires, etc,,
Having pulsed mode with proper tools and programming, plus recording equipment, fire extinguisher etc, would be wise.
Any battery is dangerous in the wrong hands.
Take a 9v, and direct short the leads together and watch it burn up, or explode?...
12v sla is even worse, expansion, gas (hydrogen) then mixes with oxygen in air + spark = boom.
We could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the dangers inherent in any situation.
Or we could talk about the proper ways to keep the dangers low.
Raising a fuss and a muss, when science has ways of dealing with most issues you may raise.
Electronics are NOT KIDS TOYS.
I don't know how many times I have been burnt not to mention plastic parts getting shot at me at high rates... too many to count.
If the kitchen scares you, GET OUT.
Post Edited (Clock Loop) : 7/11/2010 7:47:48 AM GMT
Not at all! Think of all the good you could do with that Delorean-based time machine. The only really hard part to find will be the flux capacitor. You might want to check the OBEX for a flux capacitor object; I'm sure someone has emulated one by now and it probably only takes 3 cogs or so.
"Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."
An electric razor? looks like a philips norelco.
Perfect! You are exactly right. Even in this poor radiograph you can see the screw threads that hold the clamshells together and the spring clips that secure the cutting heads. You can also clearly see the gap between the copper windings and the silicon steel laminations.
I've got better (clearer & sharper) radiographs. This was the first, and was quite gratifying at the time. Subsequent subjects included an old HP calculator, a kitchen blender,
a dead pigeon (carefully enclosed in a plastic bag by the guy who shot it with his pellet gun), and an electric blanket controller.
"Many years ago, this article on a DIY x-ray generator was featured in Scientific American's "Amateur Scientist" "
Yup, I was entranced by that article as a kid (even though it was already ancient history by then). Too bad Stong's Oudin coil implementation is a loser, as is the idea of using an O1A tube (after all the wasted effort to find one!). It took some time and a total rework in order to produce anything worthwhile.
BTW, zinc sulfide works well as part of a scintillation counter, but there are much better imaging screens.
"Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."