EEPROM Programming error! Help!
Hey Guys,
I need help with my propeller, i cant load my programs into the EEPROM. It says, EEPROM PROGRAMMING ERROR ON COM PORT!
I have never tried loading it to the EEPROM before, i usually load to RAM for program testing. Why is this? GRRRR
I'm using the propstick USB version:,ProductName
I need help with my propeller, i cant load my programs into the EEPROM. It says, EEPROM PROGRAMMING ERROR ON COM PORT!
I have never tried loading it to the EEPROM before, i usually load to RAM for program testing. Why is this? GRRRR

I'm using the propstick USB version:,ProductName

1) The program may be too big (> 32K). It won't fit into RAM, but it also won't fit into EEPROM.
2) There may be some kind of power glitch during EEPROM programming. Check your power supply.
3) If you're using a slowish PC with Windows, there may be something going on in the background (like a Windows Update) that's causing a timing problem during EEPROM programming.
4) The Propstick USB may be defective. If you've checked for #s 1-3 already, give Parallax Tech Support a call in the morning.
Hmm, well, for the 1st case, i even try a very simple program, it can load to RAM but the same error occurs when i try to load it to EEPROM.
And i think theres no problem with the power supply, i tried different newer batteries and the same thing happen aswell.
For PC, well, i tried two other PCs nnn same thing again.
Is there any other factor that we may have missed out?
Sorry for the trouble but thanks for the help
also before you program, look in the propellor tool for the button that says find hardware and then try programming it. Thats fixed alot of the issues Ive had with connections.
-- Terry
Good luck.
Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
i contacted parallax support and they said to remove anything thats connected to pin 28 or pin 29..
well, i removed them then try loading to EEPROM, it works!
Do any of you guys know the reasons behind this?
you will see P28 and P29 are used by the Prop to communicate with the EEPROM. If you had something that was connected to either of those
pins that was holding the line high or low, the EEPROM could not be programmed.