Help with table access
I have the followiing code:
I cannot undestand whi I can access the second table with no problems, while the first table can only be accessed using the long method. They look the same, but the do not behave the same way. Could you please help me?
I cannot undestand whi I can access the second table with no problems, while the first table can only be accessed using the long method. They look the same, but the do not behave the same way. Could you please help me?
VAR ''Setup Variables for this demo long A_lat,A_long long B_lat,B_long PUB Main | tmp ,i pst.start(9600) repeat pst.char(0) pst.str(string("1->2:")) A_lat:=long[noparse][[/noparse]@punti_lat] B_lat:=punti_lat A_long:=punti_long B_long:=punti_long pst.char(13) scrivi_pst waitcnt(cnt+clkfreq) PUB scrivi_pst pst.str(string("Lat_A ")) pst.dec(A_lat) pst.char(13) pst.str(string("Lat_B ")) pst.dec(B_lat) pst.char(13) pst.str(string("Long_A ")) pst.dec(A_long) pst.char(13) pst.str(string("Long_B ")) pst.dec(B_long) dat punti_lat long 0 long 271010000 long 271009167 long 271008333 long 271008750 long 271010333 long 271010167 punti_long long 0 long 61001667 long 61005000 long 61003333 long 61001833 long 61002917 long 61004833
The compiler uses the "long" to tell it what size array element to use and how it's aligned..
I guessed the alignement can be on the next line.
Is the compiler aligning the second table because I have a former with long declared?
If the table comes from a spreadsheet to have it aligned will require a little bit of regexp stuff..
Post Edited (max72) : 7/7/2010 3:35:22 PM GMT
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I was just lazy...
I think what's happening is that the "DAT begins a section that could be aligned in any way (bytes, words, or longs). The label "punti_lat" has no alignment information associated with it and causes an error while the label "punti_long" follows a "long" directive that establishes long alignment at that point. I don't think this is a good way to do things, but it's easily fixed by always starting a table like this with byte, word, or long and no operands like "punti_lat long".
I misunderstood the alignement point.
It's amazing how a couple of code lines written down to test another function can bring problems and better understanding...