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PE-Basic Version 0.16 July 11, 2011 - Page 4 — Parallax Forums

PE-Basic Version 0.16 July 11, 2011



  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2011-07-14 08:34
    I haven't used femtoBasic for quite a while, but you should be able to do something like this to check the speed.
    10 a=CNT
    20 FOR b=1 TO 1000
    30 NEXT b
    40 a=CNT-a
    50 PRINT a/80000;" milliseconds."

    PE-Basic gives 33 milliseconds for a 1 to 1000 loop.

  • TuxFanGKRTuxFanGKR Posts: 15
    edited 2011-08-04 05:02

    Thank you very much for PropBasic and PE-Basic.
    I've tried the version 0.16 and I get an error message: INVALID PARAMETER __param1 and ....__ param2
    for these subroutines :
    SUB I2C_Start ' SDApin, SCLpin
    I2CSTART __param1, __param2

    SUB I2C_Stop ' SDApin, SCLpin
    I2CSTOP __param1, __param2

    SUB I2C_Write ' SDApin, SCLpin, value
    I2CWRITE __param1, __param2, __param3

    FUNC I2C_Read ' SDApin, SCLpin
    I2CREAD __param1, __param2, __param3, 0
    RETURN __param3
    At first I have all pin numbers for pin 29 and pin 28 changed to SDA and SCL but the error message appear again. Then I changed the subroutine:
    SUB I2C_Start ' SDApin, SCLpin
    I2CSTART SDA, SCL '__param1, __param2

    SUB I2C_Stop ' SDApin, SCLpin
    I2CSTOP SDA, SCL '__param1, __param2

    SUB I2C_Write ' SDApin, SCLpin, value
    I2CWRITE SDA, SCL, __param3 '__param1, __param2, __param3

    FUNC I2C_Read ' SDApin, SCLpin
    I2CREAD SDA, SCL, __param3, 0 '__param1, __param2, __param3, 0
    RETURN __param3
    I compiled the modified program and load it into the propeller. With the speed-measuring program I've tried saving and loading the program into the EEPROM. It runs without any problems.
    I think it should be possible to pass the PIN numbers (SDA and SCL = 29 and 28) only in the four subroutines?

    development environment : Linux, BST, PropBasic-00.01.12-78

    With best regards
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2011-08-04 05:10
    You need to get the latest version of the PropBasic compiler.

    The latest is version 00.01.14 and you may download it from BradC website here

    It is at the bottom of the list. Make sure to get the correct version Mac, Linux or Windows.

  • TuxFanGKRTuxFanGKR Posts: 15
    edited 2011-08-05 04:35
    Thank you Bean. PEBasic is now compiled with the new PropBASIC 00.01.14-79 without error and works fine.
    But a PropBasic test program for my Gam_Bo_Prop now needs a couple of minutes to compile but without any error message. I'll try to find the error otherwise I post in the PropBasic thread.

    With best regards
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2011-08-05 04:48
  • GranzGranz Posts: 179
    edited 2011-11-01 19:39
    I took the High/Low game in the manual and extracted the input section into a general purpose input routine.

    This subroutine does not take any inputs and uses only INPZ as a temporary variable. It returns the numeric input in the variable INP
    If you need more than one input, call the subroutine with a GOSUB 32000, and then save it to another variable before calling the subroutine again.
    10 PRINT "Please enter your age: ";
    20 GOSUB 32000:PRINT
    30 PRINT "You are currently ";inp;" years old."
    40 PRINT "Next year, you will turn ";inp + 1;" years old."
    50 END
    32000 ' Input INP
    32001 ' Uses: INPZ for temporary storage
    32010 inp=0
    32020 inpz=INKEY:IF inpz=0 THEN 32020
    32030 IF inpz=13 THEN 32080
    32040 IF inpz=8 THEN DISPLAY 8:DISPLAY 32:DISPLAY 8:inp=inp/10:GOTO 32020
    32050 inpz=inpz-48:IF inpz<0 OR inpz>9 THEN 32020
    32055 PRINT inpz;
    32060 inp=inp*10+inpz
    32070 GOTO 32020
    32080 RETURN

    Lines 10-50 are just a simple program to demonstrate usage of the subroutine. The routine takes into consideration the backspace key, and ignores non-numeric characters.

    HyperTerminal actually made for a nice development environment. I had to add about 20 ms of line delay in the ASCII Setup in the Settings tab of the Properties. That allowed me to use the full-screen editing capability of Notepad, and when I was ready to test my code, I selected the code in Notepad and copied it to the clipboard, clicked on HyperTerminal and typed new, then right-clicked and selected Paste to Host. That entered the code and I was able to list it and run it on the Prop. (Normally I use Linux, but I am at work, and we only have Windows here. Does anyone have a nice terminal emulator for Linux that can do that - the BST terminal does not accept pasted text as far as I can tell.)

    I most-love the autoexecute capabilities of PE_BASIC. That actually works better than any other on-chip language, because microcontrollers are supposed to automatically run at power up.

    Great job Bean!
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2012-05-10 08:52
    Hi all

    I am new to this Forum and looking for a tiny embedded interpreter, that can run programs like BASIC or scripting language, that are provided as text to it.
    AND it should be able to access functions provided in SPIN or PASM whick build the drivers and system level.
    I want to use it to allow users of our test systems to write test-scripts - calling predef. test steps, setting parameters and manipulating results, loops and conditionals, Vars and ideally arrays ...
    just a very simple language -
    PEBasic seems to come quite close -
    can you call PASM or SPIN?
    PEBasic in one COG and the others doing realtime stuff ?

    any other ideas / existing code or ... you long time propeller users ??
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-11 04:20
    Using the standard PE-BASIC language you cannot call PASM or SPIN code.
    You would have to modify the PE-BASIC source code (written in PropBASIC) to add commands to do whatever you need.
    The source code for PE-BASIC is "open-source".
    Let me know if you want to do this.

    Bean (Creator of PE-BASIC and PropBasic)
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-11 04:24
    Using the standard PE-BASIC language you cannot call PASM or SPIN code.
    You would have to modify the PE-BASIC source code (written in PropBASIC) to add commands to do whatever you need.
    The source code for PE-BASIC is "open-source".
    Let me know if you want to do this.

    Bean (Creator of PE-BASIC and PropBasic)
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-05-11 04:25
    Using the standard PE-BASIC language you cannot call PASM or SPIN code.
    You would have to modify the PE-BASIC source code (written in PropBASIC) to add commands to do whatever you need.
    The source code for PE-BASIC is "open-source".
    Let me know if you want to do this.

    Bean (Creator of PE-BASIC and PropBasic)
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2012-05-11 05:55

    Another alternative solution could be PropForth, a Forth development system that runs on one or more Propellers. It doesn't directly run SPIN or PASM routines but it does have an assembler for time critical code. You would develop your entire application in Forth and due to its interactive nature, you could test/change/monitor variables from one cog while application routines run in another cog.

    Due the the limited memory in the Propeller, it would be very difficult to have an embedded BASIC which you could add to an existing like you can add VBA for example to a PC application. the best you could do with SPIN/PASM would be to write a simple monitor routine to give you some of the variable inspection and testing you require. The other alternative is to see what pieces of PE-BASIC could be used with you code as an embedded monitor.

    Welcome and keep us informed on where you end up, it sounds like an interesting and useful tool!
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2012-05-20 23:36
    Thanks Bean & mindrobots
    my first propeller is scheduled to arrive today
    unfortunately I have to focus on my bread&butter project for a while now.
    While slowly discovering all the Prop developments - like ViewPort, PropBsasic, PropForth, Spinnernet,... I habe quite to digest at the moment ...

    Any propeller users here in Germany near Stuttgart ?? please contact me.
  • GranzGranz Posts: 179
    edited 2012-09-10 19:38
    Hey Bean,

    How would I check the level of a pin? I am trying to pause a program until the user pushes a button on P7.

    The button is tied through a resistor to ground - as in the QuickStart board.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-09-11 05:22
    I assume you mean the pin reads LOW until it is pressed. If that is the case, you would do something like:

    100 IF PIN(7) = 0 THEN GOTO 100

    If the pin is HIGH until it is pressed, just change the zero to a one.

  • GranzGranz Posts: 179
    edited 2012-09-11 15:54
    Bean wrote: »
    I assume you mean the pin reads LOW until it is pressed. If that is the case, you would do something like:

    100 IF PIN(7) = 0 THEN GOTO 100

    If the pin is HIGH until it is pressed, just change the zero to a one.


    That did the trick - Thanks.

    Not sure what happened, I thought that I had tried that, but must have messed up something ...

    Anyway thanks. This is being used in that intro book that I told you about at UPENE '12.

    Also, I seem to be missing something here. According to the QuickStart schematic, the Prop pin is connected through a 100K resistor (part of R8) and then to the switch S2 (touchpad) and then on to ground. It seems to me that this should be reading a high (via the internal pull-up resistor on the Prop pin) until you touch the switch, when the switch shorts the pin to ground.

    My program sits at the IF line, like you describe in line 100 above, until the person pushes the button (touchpad) and then continues on with the rest of the program. That part works as advertised, but it seems to me that I should be waiting while the pin is showing a high (by doing an IF PIN(7) = 1 THEN ...) and then continuing on with the rest of the program when the pin goes to low - grounded through the touchpad S2 (I.E. the IF statement fails in looking for a 1.)

    Is this touchpad acting like a normally-closed switch? Is the schematic wrong? Is there an inverter on the input pins? Any ideas on how I can explain this?
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2012-09-12 05:10
    The quickstart buttons don't work like that. They are kind of hard to read accurately.
    If I remember correctly I would make the button pin high, then make it an input. Then wait a short time and see if the pin had changed to low (if it was touched). But it didn't work real well.

  • cavelambcavelamb Posts: 720
    edited 2012-09-12 13:42
    The QuickStart Touch Pads are unique.

    See if this will help?

    I have two touch pad drivers that I've been using.
    This one is pure Spin. Straight forward and fairly simple.
    But slower than the PASM version.

    Both do the same thing, pretty much the same way.
    They run is a different cog so that they run constantly.

    They return a byte that has the touch pad pins encoded into it.
    bit zero = pin zero, etc,

    So all we have to do to read a touch pad is to examine the corresponding bit in the returned byte.

    Examples below...

    'CON { QS_ButtonScan.spin }
    '    { returns buttons packed bitwide is a byte}
      LONG ButtonAdr, ButtonCog, delay
      LONG Stack[ 16 ]                 ' define my stack
    PUB start( BAdr )                  ' start this in a new cog
      ButtonAdr := BAdr                ' save address of return byte
      if ButtonCog                     ' did the new cog start?
        cogstop(ButtonCog-1)           ' OOPS! no cog available
      ButtonCog := cognew(ButtonScan, @Stack) + 1
      delay := 4*(clkfreq/1000)
    PUB ButtonScan | B, B1              ' local variables
      dira [0..7] := %11111111          ' all pad pins outputs    
      outa [0..7] := %11111111          ' all pad pins high   
      'main loop - scan the buttons   
      Repeat                            ' loop forever
         Repeat B from 0 to 7           ' QS LEDS are pins 0-7
           dira [B] := 1                ' make pin an output 
           dira [B] := 0                ' make pin an input
           waitcnt(delay+cnt)           ' short delay for some decay
           B1 := ina[B]                 ' read the pad
           if B1 == 0                   ' 0 here means pressed
              BYTE[ButtonAdr] |= |< B   ' set bit if pressed   
              BYTE[ButtonAdr] &= !|< B  ' clear bit if not

    Demo program:
    CON { QS_POPO - press on press off demo }
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      byte Buttons, State[8]
    OBJ button: "QS_Buttons"      ' touchpad driver
    PUB Demo | B                  ' local variable B
      button.start( @Buttons )    ' send address of Buttons
      outa[ 16..23 ] := $00       ' all LED pins off    '
      dira[ 16..23 ] := $FF       ' all LED pins outputs  
         Repeat B from 0 to 7     ' chack all 8 buttons  
           if Buttons & |< B      ' is bit set?
              if state[b] == 1
                 state[b] := 0
                 state[b] := 1
         Repeat B from 0 to 7     ' check all 8 buttons  
           if state[b] == 1 
              TurnOn(b+16)        ' cooresponding LED on
              TurnOff(b+16)       ' else off       
    PUB TurnON(pin)
        outa[pin] := 1
    PUB TurnOFF(pin)
        outa[pin] := 0 
  • jwaldhajwaldha Posts: 1
    edited 2012-11-22 23:42
    Simple QS button demo in basic:
    10 btn=7
    20 led=23
    30 LOW led
    40 HIGH btn
    50 INPUT btn
    60 PAUSE 10
    70 b=PIN(btn)
    80 IF b=1 THEN 110
    90 HIGH led
    100 GOTO 120
    110 LOW led
    120 GOTO 40
  • cavelambcavelamb Posts: 720
    edited 2012-11-23 14:27
    jwaldha wrote: »
    Simple QS button demo in basic:
    10 btn=7
    20 led=23
    30 LOW led
    40 HIGH btn
    50 INPUT btn
    60 PAUSE 10
    70 b=PIN(btn)
    80 IF b=1 THEN 110
    90 HIGH led
    100 GOTO 120
    110 LOW led
    120 GOTO 40

    Still a heavy Spin influence doesn't it, but yeah baby.

    The other interpretation of BASIC : Business And Scientific Instruction Code
    nit-picking, of course.

    If I may?

    INP/OUT reserved words

    30 OUT led, low
    50 inputbit = INP(btn)

    Please lest we open ancient GOTO fueds!

    Looping structures!
    "Well that would be just great".... Office Space

    As for intrinsic I/O, BASIC flavor.
    BASIC should provide the user with I/O device control for any built in circuitry.

    Open(port) for (R/W/RO/WO/DCTL/Stream?) as Name
    Print Name (formatting), data
    Write Name, buf
    INPUT Name (formatting), buf
    OUT port, buf USING (Formatting)

    So the QSdemo might then go...

    Open 23 for OUTPUT as led
    Open 7 for INPUT as btn
    WHILE 1
    OUT led, high
    Button = INP(btn)

    just two cents
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2013-01-31 19:23

    Any chance of a VGA version of this? I'd sure love to run this on the VGAplus board. I got rid of my composite monitor a month ago when I installed my new system and monitor.

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2013-02-01 05:31

    Any chance of a VGA version of this? I'd sure love to run this on the VGAplus board. I got rid of my composite monitor a month ago when I installed my new system and monitor.


    Ha, funny you should ask. I've been working on it lately just for the PMC. It's not finished yet. I need to implement LINE (easy) and SD card routines (hard). But here it is...

    Try this demo program to see how fast it is
    10 CLS
    20 x=RND(50)
    30 y=RND(37)
    40 c=RND(64)
    100 PLOT x,y,c
    110 PLOT 99-x,y,c
    120 PLOT x,73-y,c
    130 PLOT 99-x,73-y,c
    200 GOTO 20

    tokGOTO     CON 131 ' GOTO   GOTO lineNumber
    tokLET      CON 132 ' LET    LET var=value
    tokPAUSE    CON 133 ' PAUSE  PAUSE value
    tokHIGH     CON 134 ' HIGH   HIGH value
    tokLOW      CON 135 ' LOW    LOW value
    tokCLS      CON 136 ' CLS    CLS
    tokLIST     CON 137 ' LIST   LIST {value}
    tokRUN      CON 138 ' RUN    RUN
    tokPRINT    CON 139 ' PRINT  PRINT value
    tokCONT     CON 140 ' CONT   CONT
    tokINPUT    CON 141 ' INPUT  INPUT value
    tokOUTPUT   CON 142 ' OUTPUT OUTPUT value
    tokDUMP     CON 143 ' DUMP   DUMP
    tokCNT      CON 144 ' CNT    LET A=CNT
    tokREM      CON 145 ' REM    REM COMMENT
    tokIF       CON 146 ' IF     IF A = B THEN commands
    tokTHEN     CON 147 ' THEN
    tokELSE     CON 148 ' IF...THEN...ELSE
    tokNotEqual CON 149 ' IF a <> b
    tokLessEqual CON 150 ' IF a <= b
    tokGreaterEqual CON 151 ' IF a >= b
    tokSHL      CON 152 ' LET a=b SHL 4
    tokSHR      CON 153 ' LET a=b SHR 5
    tokINKEY    CON 154 ' LET A = INKEY
    tokCHR      CON 155 ' PRINT CHR$(65)  ' Prints ascii character "A"
    tokPEEK     CON 156 ' LET A = PEEK(B)
    tokPEEKW    CON 157 ' LET A = PEEKW(B)
    tokPEEKL    CON 158 ' LET A = PEEKL(B)
    tokPOKE     CON 159 ' POKE A,B
    tokPOKEW    CON 160 ' POKEW A,B
    tokPOKEL    CON 161 ' POKEL A,B
    tokVARS     CON 162 ' LET A = VARS ' Gets address of vars (program - 104)
    tokCHARS    CON 163 ' LET A = CHARS ' Gets address of character bitmaps
    tokFREE     CON 164 ' PRINT FREE ' Print number of program bytes available
    tokSCREEN   CON 165 ' POKE SCREEN,a ' Put data directly into screen memory
    tokDEBUG    CON 166 ' DEBUG ' Shows line #'s as it runs
    tokNODEBUG  CON 167 ' NODEBUG ' Does NOT show line #'s as it runs
    tokNEW      CON 168 ' NEW ' clears program
    tokINA      CON 169 ' INA    LET A=INA
    tokOUTA     CON 170 ' OUTA   LET OUTA=value
    tokDIRA     CON 171 ' DIRA   LET DIRA=value
    tokCTRA     CON 172 ' CTRA = value
    tokCTRB     CON 173 ' CTRB = value
    tokFRQA     CON 174 ' FRQA = value
    tokFRQB     CON 175 ' FRQB = value
    tokPHSA     CON 176 ' PHSA = value
    tokPHSB     CON 177 ' PHSB = value
    tokVCFG     CON 178 ' VCFG = value
    tokVSCL     CON 179 ' VSCL = value
    tokSAVE     CON 180 ' SAVE if you have 64K EEPROM you can specify 1-4 as a program slot
    tokFOR      CON 181 ' FOR A = 1 TO 10 STEP 1
    tokTO       CON 182 
    tokSTEP     CON 183
    tokNEXT     CON 184
    tokGOSUB    CON 185 ' GOSUB 1000
    tokRETURN   CON 186 ' RETURN ' Returns from subroutine
    tokEND      CON 187 ' END ' Stops program and returns to command prompt
    tokLOAD     CON 188 ' LOAD if you have 64K EEPROM you can specify 1-4 as a program slot
    tokPAUSEUS  CON 189 ' PAUSEUS value ' Pauses for "value" microseconds
    tokPIN      CON 190 ' PIN pin#,state   or   PIN,value (does NOT set pin to an output)
    tokPINF     CON 191 ' var=PIN pin#    or   var=PIN
    tokREAD     CON 192 ' READ var{,var,etc}
    tokDATA     CON 193 ' DATA value, value, value
    tokRESTORE  CON 194 ' RESTORE line#
    tokLOCATE   CON 195 ' LOCATE x,y
    tokRND      CON 196 ' a=RND(expr) ' Returns random value from 0 to expr-1
    tokPLOT     CON 197 ' PLOT x,y,color
    tokLINE     CON 198 ' LINE x,y,color (not implemented yet)
    tokDotDot   CON 199 ' .. as in "a=pin 0..7"
    tokABS      CON 200 ' var=ABS(expr)
    tokNOT      CON 201 ' var=NOT expr   or  IF NOT a=b  (NOT 0 gives -1; NOT "non-zero" gives 0)
    tokAND      CON 202 ' IF (a=b) AND (c=d) THEN
    tokOR       CON 203 ' IF (a=b) OR (c=d) THEN
    tokSHIFTOUT CON 204 ' SHIFTOUT Dpin, Cpin, Mode, expression, bits
    tokSHIFTIN  CON 205 ' var=SHIFTIN(Dpin, Cpin, Mode, variable, bits)
    tokI2CSTART CON 206 ' I2CSTART SDApin, SCLpin
    tokI2CSTOP  CON 207 ' I2CSTOP SDApin, SCLpin
    tokI2CWRITE CON 208 ' I2CWRITE SDApin, SCLpin, expression
    tokI2CREAD  CON 209 ' var=I2CREAD(SDApin, SCLpin)
    tokFCOLOR   CON 210 ' FCOLOR foregroundcolor(0 to 63)
    tokBCOLOR   CON 211 ' BCOLOR backgroundcolor(0 to 63)
    tokCOLOR    CON 212 ' COLOR colorvalue (colorvalue = foreground + background * 64)
    tokApos     CON 213 ' Apostrophe (for remark)
    tokREV      CON 214 ' var=expr1 REV expr2 ' Reverses expr2 bits of value expr1
    tokSAR      CON 215 ' var=expr1 SAR expr2 ' Shift arithmetic right expr1 by expr2 bits
    tokROL      CON 216 ' var=expr1 ROL expr2 ' Rotate left expr1 by expr2 bits
    tokROR      CON 217 ' var=expr1 ROR expr2 ' Rotate right expr1 by expr2 bits
    tokMOD      CON 218 ' var=expr1 // expr2  ' Modulus
    tokHELP     CON 219 ' Shows list of commands (needs updated)
    tokUNPLOT   CON 220 ' UNPLOT x,y{,bcolor} (not implemented)
    tokSOUND    CON 221 ' SOUND tone{,length} (not implemented)
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2013-02-01 09:13
    That's very cool..

    At risk of being thought of of offering a bribe, Would you like a VGAplus256 board? :) PM me. :)

  • tdg8934tdg8934 Posts: 126
    edited 2013-02-01 17:24

    I tried to load to RAM and EEPROM the PBASIC 2 code you posted for the first time to my Quickstart with either Human Interface Board or PMC256 (64 color mode) and got this error. See JPG attachment. It doesn't like the @@@ statements in ASM.

    It's probably something simple that I'm not aware of using this for the first time.


    1024 x 576 - 61K
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2013-02-01 17:26
    tdg8934 wrote: »
    It doesn't like the @@@ statements in ASM.
    This is a BST extension which is not available in the PropTool.
  • tdg8934tdg8934 Posts: 126
    edited 2013-02-01 17:47
    Thank you. I downloaded BST 0.19.3 and it works now with loading to EEPROM PE-Basic 2
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2013-02-01 19:04
    Either BST or Viewport support the @@@ prefix. This is something else I wish the Propeller IDE would support.

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