Transmit data between 2 propellers - please Help!
Hello, I have managed to setup 2 propellers running with the same configuration and from the same power output (Same Vss). The one collects data from various sensors and the other one must log them to a datalogger. I 've managed to make this two tasks work but i cannot connect the two propellers together so i can transmit the information between the propellers. I tried the fast inter-propeller object with no luck. Can i use a serial object to transmit decimal numbers and strings between the propellers? what is the simplest way to transmit data between 2 propellers? As far as i can understand i need to dedicate two pins in each propeller for rx tx communication and connect the first propeller tx pin to the second propeller rx and vice versa with 10k resistors for safety. Please help me i am a bit of desperate here because of university project that i have… I am a bit of newbie with propeller
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
OMU for the pPropQL/020
pPropellerSim - A propeller simulator for ASM development
then for the transmit propeller i use this code
and on the receiver this code
Will this work or i am writing irrelevant things???
thank you
transmit propeller
and receiver propeller
The Propeller receiver will need to parse the incoming string and determine the beginning and end of the data. For example, the code above transmits the following byte stream.
The "0x0D" marks the end of each data element.
6A 75 73 74 20 61 20 73 74 72 69 6E 67 = just a string
31 32 33 = 123
This is basic serial communications and ASCII.
123.456 <cr>
This is the code for the transmitter propeller
And this for the receiver propeller with monitor
I do receive the screen but i can always display one character... Like this the code display the "T" character of the string.·If·instead of text.str(@fx) if i put text.str(@fx[noparse][[/noparse]1]) i will get the "h"
What i should do to display the whole string??????
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everything is fine now for one string...When i try to send a second one only the second one shows up any ideas?
And this from the receiver
Screen only shows String2.... any ideas???