Binary executable file?
Is there a way to program a propeller's EEPROM with a simple "Select file and click" program instead of the Propeller tool? I just distributed a product today and realized at the last minute that there is something in it that should be corrected, but the person operating the device is not a programmer and will not want to download the Propeller Tool software. Is there a simple program that will let you select a file (In windows explorer) and download it to the Propellers EEPROM?
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You can write a small batch file to load your binary. You would have to sent your file and Propellant in a zip.
Post Edited (hover1) : 7/1/2010 6:39:29 PM GMT
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They will need to load the FTDI drivers though.
I'll google "Batch file" right now and figure out how to write one.
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Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 7/1/2010 8:39:06 PM GMT
Have the customer unzip the file to c:\updates
Open the c:\updates folder. Click on upgrade.bat
Below is update.bat file
Post Edited (hover1) : 7/1/2010 10:43:00 PM GMT
If your board has an SD card, you could look at KyeDOS. Boots up with a simple menu on a vga display that displays all the .BIN files on an sd card. Then you run the one you want with
and it runs that binary.
You can distribute new programs by asking the user to download a new .BIN and put it on an sd card. (only minor issue - you need to change MYFILE.BINARY to MYFILE.BIN)
Or post them a new sd card. (to paraphrase an old saying, never underestimate the bandwidth of a van full of micro sd cards hurtling down the highway). If you posted an sd card, this is a solution that never needs a PC. Just pop in the new card and run the new program. So it becomes very simple for an end user who never needs to worry about downloading the propeller tool or recompiling a program. You can add autorun as well if you like, so if the user doesn't type anything on a keyboard for a while, it just runs a default program.
I'm using this as a way of organising all the retro emulations.
You don't need external memory to run KyeDOS. Just a standard propeller chip with eeprom, keyboard, display and 4 lines for an sd card.
I made a batch file and sent it, with instructions to put the folder under the C: directory in no other folders. I could have made an installer for it, though. Thanks for the help!
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That is a great effort!
The package should also include the propellent.dll.
Some FTDI driver instructions might be helpful too.
Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
FTDI drivers would be good also. Micro stated that the customer already had them installed. I'm not sure how many people would need the .dll in this instance, but it's small enought to include it.
Did you end up using Propellent?
Post Edited (hover1) : 7/2/2010 1:32:49 AM GMT
I believe it would be a nice solution for your particular needs·. The batch file·is certainly a good option too especially if you want to cut down on·software and installation.
Jeff T.
Jeff T.
Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
Your post alarmed me a bit, because I'm using propellent.exe as a loader for the S2. So I did a search for all copies of propellent.dll on my computer and either renamed or deleted all of them. I can happily report that propellent.exe still works without them.
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