BST feature

First off, I want to say that I absolutely LOVE BST! My family is switching over to Mac pretty soon, and this is going to prove to be an absolute lifesaver!
But, there is a feature that I use in PropTool, and do miss somewhat in BST. PropTool has an 'aline' setting for the cursor, as well as the customary insert and overwrite.
Is that feature in BST and I'm just not seeing it? It really was useful in maintaining alinement in nested code and schematics.
Thanks again for the software!
First off, I want to say that I absolutely LOVE BST! My family is switching over to Mac pretty soon, and this is going to prove to be an absolute lifesaver!
But, there is a feature that I use in PropTool, and do miss somewhat in BST. PropTool has an 'aline' setting for the cursor, as well as the customary insert and overwrite.
Is that feature in BST and I'm just not seeing it? It really was useful in maintaining alinement in nested code and schematics.
Thanks again for the software!
For the insert you have to press shift+Backspace at least in MacOS to bring the overwrite mode. The third mode I think it is not implemented.
I'd recommend you read the first post in the longest thread so far, that one of BST [noparse]:)[/noparse] here:
The page at wikispaces has also some useful information on BST
Have fun
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Thanks for the tip, though!
P.S. Sorry about the misspelling of "align", my computer has been having issues with its dictionary, i.e. replacing 'is' with 'am' and vice versa.
Windoze XP, so go figure.