Using a stepper motor driver with the prop to drive a proportional solenoid val
I am planning to drive a two proportional solenoid valves(data sheet attached) using Micro dual serial motor controller{data sheet attached).
Is it safe to do it.From what I have read so far looks it is an ok idea.If so will I be able controll the solenoid vlave adequately from close to sloww=ly
to fully open and back to close - using the serial object for the prop.
Is it safe to do it.From what I have read so far looks it is an ok idea.If so will I be able controll the solenoid vlave adequately from close to sloww=ly
to fully open and back to close - using the serial object for the prop.

I tried using MOSFETs and driven directly using transsistors but the proprtional valve did not respond well specially when the valve has to be opened very little.It works well when I wanted it to be fully open.
So I called the manufacturer of the VSO valve and was advised using a solenoid driver to use change of current rather than the voltage to get better control.
In any case you'll likely·have to deal with the fact that the solenoid is not a linear device and near open and close it will have a more/less exponential/logarithmic response curve so you will have to experiment some with an interpolation of a rough response curve to scale your programs input to the controlling code so that 10% open equals 10% open mechanically. IMHO, the alt·4 picture with the single PWM simply controlling the time constant of the Buck regulator utilizing the coil within the solenoid would be the simplest, most economical solution. Good luck, i hope i pointed you in the right direction.
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Post Edited (RinksCustoms) : 7/1/2010 5:12:55 PM GMT
I don't know if Siri appreciates your inputs, but I certainly do.
Hello Rest Of The World
Hello Debris
Install a propeller and blow them away
@Electric- Thank you, more than half way through this AEES degree.. and the valve as stated in the pdf siri gave gives feedbvack via closed loop
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Post Edited (RinksCustoms) : 7/2/2010 1:19:13 PM GMT
The feedback in a proportional application is mostly done via a LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) in a closed loop, but the valve has no sensor, so feedback must use a different input, for example, measuring the media flow.
Anyway, the PWM-ing will always create some vibration and so prevent the actuator from sticking.
It is indeed not necessary to use a separate controller, the propeller could generate the PWM modulation by itself, lets say at 20kHz with an resolution of 12 bits. That should be more than can be expected by an external controller. And the Prop opens the way to vary PWM frequency, so adjust the vibration amplitude of the valve. This might be very useful especially for low throughput.
Hello Rest Of The World
Hello Debris
Install a propeller and blow them away
Okay, that's what I could not see. I saw no mention of an in-built sensor for this in his document, so I was wondering how he was measuring the feedback.
had to wait until I got back home.
I appreciate all your help - as ElectricAye mentioned some of it is way beyond my comprehend capability -
as I am a physician nad elrctonic tinkerer.
To answer about feed back - TWO VSO valves are being used to mix oxygen and air in variable proportions-
and the feed back is from an O2 analyser via a DAC.- to get appropriate O2/air mixture.
I am now trying out the VSO valves to see if this could be done.I am in the process of looking into a
O2 analyser to suit my need.
Thanks for all your input.
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Thanks for your help.
The valve responds well and just gets warm to touch.
Thanks to all of you who responded to my call for help.