LCD AppMod
A few years ago, I ordered from Parallax the LCD AppMod for the BSII series.
Is there any object that I can modify to use this LCD? I am looking through the OBEX and I can't find any one for this LCD. I want to also use the four buttons on it for a project. Any help would be appreciated.
A few years ago, I ordered from Parallax the LCD AppMod for the BSII series.
Is there any object that I can modify to use this LCD? I am looking through the OBEX and I can't find any one for this LCD. I want to also use the four buttons on it for a project. Any help would be appreciated.
You'll have to add your own button support, but that will be very easy (make the pins inputs, read them, set them back).
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
I'll work on it today.
I succeeded in using a prop object to interface the LCD AppMod as suggested by Jon. I like these small LCDs and I was wondering if the following product would work the same:
Thanks for your help,
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Enjoy and let me know about changes or improvements.
Post Edited (DynamoBen) : 6/28/2010 10:36:53 PM GMT
I wanted to check on connections for the LCD Terminal AppMod (#29121) to the Propeller Education Kit with PropStick USB. I am confused how the AppMod header pins for Vin and Vdd translate to the Propeller Education Kit. On a Board of Education the Vin would be 6-9 v and the Vdd would be 5 v. I think the options on the Prop Education Kit are only 5 and 3.3 v.
For the data I intend to use objects jm_lcd4_ez or BenkyLCDdriver and then try to develop a sensor PUB for the buttons.
LCD APP Mod - PropStick - function
Vdd - ??? red rail / PropStick pin 32 - (3.3 v)
Vin - ??? PropStick pin 12 - (5 v)
Vss - Black rail / PropStick pin - 29 (ground)
Data 0 - Prop Pin 0
Data 7 - Prop Pin 7
I don't see any resistors in the schematic for the Board of Education between the AppMod header and the STAMP pins, so I am thinking that resistors are not needed.
I tried the LCD Terminal it on a Homework board, but that has built-in resistors between pin header and stamp.
I could not find a schematic for the LCD terminal itself and I can not discern visually if there are resistors under the screen.