Servo Help
Hello everyone,
I was just running the program on pg65 which is "connecting the servos to the basic stamp homework board"
I had completed building everything on the bread board an I turned the IC on. Immediately before running the program I remembered I had forgotten the USB plug-in and turned it off. In this time one of my servos started over-heating and smoke of a reddish hue came out of it. I have no clue how such an incidence could have occurred in such small amount of time. After checking my connections, I once again plugged in my 6volt battery set into VBP and VSS. As soon as these connections were complete, the servo began to smoke again. I don't know where this excess voltage is coming from and also have observed that the servo sounds different when I mechanically rotate it. Any help is appreciated. THANKS
I was just running the program on pg65 which is "connecting the servos to the basic stamp homework board"
I had completed building everything on the bread board an I turned the IC on. Immediately before running the program I remembered I had forgotten the USB plug-in and turned it off. In this time one of my servos started over-heating and smoke of a reddish hue came out of it. I have no clue how such an incidence could have occurred in such small amount of time. After checking my connections, I once again plugged in my 6volt battery set into VBP and VSS. As soon as these connections were complete, the servo began to smoke again. I don't know where this excess voltage is coming from and also have observed that the servo sounds different when I mechanically rotate it. Any help is appreciated. THANKS