Bluetooth GPS + USB adapter + Propeller?
Hello all,
Would it be possible to use a Bluetooth GPS with the Propeller?
Take a GPS serial connection might be another solution, but may vary from one apparatus, not even be available.
The GPS in question could be like this:
Has anyone disassembled one of these?
Would it be possible to use a Bluetooth GPS with the Propeller?
Take a GPS serial connection might be another solution, but may vary from one apparatus, not even be available.
The GPS in question could be like this:
Has anyone disassembled one of these?

Note the letters:
Embedded Bluetooth for $2 (Work in progress).
Propeller Bluetooth Stack Demo
As for the GPS, there are many new $25 and some at $12 (Microsoft/pharos).
Highlight Holux brand as they have Bluetooth, battery and serial output. They are also nice and small.
TomTom MK-II Bluetooth
Bluetooth and battery.
Captures well and fast GPS signal. (10/10)
Inside I found some interesting points, but could not find a serial port.
Holux GPSlim240 Bluetooth
Captures well and fast GPS signal. (10/10)
Cute and small.
Bluetooth, battery and serial port.
GlobalSat BT-359 Bluetooth
I have not tried, has a good price.
Microsoft/Pharos GPS
Almost free, not very sensitive, does not include maps for my country.
Without battery or bluetooth.
Serial port, includes a USB-Serial converter (PL-2313 Chip). (9/10)
3 - 5 volts.
Holux GPSlim GR-236
I have no one to test, but must be equal to GPSlim240. Bigger and ugly, but easy to change the battery.
All use the SiRFStarIII chip.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' Feedback and PLL multiplier
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' External oscillator = 5 MHz
byte serdat, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7
debug:"Parallax Serial Terminal" 'Make sure to open this file up before you compile!
PUB main
!dira[noparse][[/noparse]0] ' set pin 0 to output
debug.startrxtx (31,30,0, 4800) 'start serial communication pin 31 is rx (input) and pin 30 is tx (output)
serdat := debug.charin 'waiting to grab first byte of serdat, from GPS unit
debug.char(serdat) '
'debug.charin grabs the next ascii / binary char and saves it in serdat
' So now you can do what ever you want with that single byte
'Place it in a loop and print all the text that comes in from GPS to tv.out or something to see all text on screen!
Good luck with your project!